617201奥克们,遵守秩序,有序水吧 违者砍了当军粮21Gil果然不见了 but long ago he rode away and where he dwelleth none can say01Men cenuva fánë cirya Who shall see a white ship 何人将会看到一艘洁白的船, métima hrestallo círa, leave the last shore, 离开最后的港湾,渐行渐远? i fairi nécë the pale phantoms 苍白的幻影 ringa súmaryassë in her cold bosom 在她冰冷的怀里 ve maiwi yaimië? like gulls wailing? 如同海鸥在悲愁哀泣 Man tiruva fána cirya, Who shall heed a white ship, 何人将会留意到一艘白色的船? wilwarin wilwa, vague as a butterfly, 在水上漂荡,像一只蝴蝶一般 ëar-celumessen in the flowing sea 在翻涌的大海之中, rámainen e00000这里是新家?12粪坑轮流换,今天到魔多11Who shall see a white ship leave the last shore, the pale phantoms in her cold bosom like gulls wailing? Who shall heed a white ship, vague as a butterfly, in the flowing sea on wings like stars, the sea surging, the foam blowing, the wings shining, the light fading? Who shall hear the wind roaring like leaves of forests; the white rocks snarling in the moon gleaming, in the moon waning, in the moon falling a corpse-candle; the storm mumbling, the abyss moving? Who shall see the clouds gather, the heavens bending upon crumbling hills, the sea heaving, the abyss yawning, the old darkness beyond0回归网络了大伙3发什么都不显示 这下一网打尽了 比封号还难受0发什么,回什么别人都看不见? @李彦宏 什么新武器3最近十天发的帖子回的帖子,没有一个人回 今天才知道,原来被隐藏了 这跟屏蔽也没啥区别啊917不是转移去友橘了吗,怎么又回来了呢0我也来水一下吧 啊埃尔贝瑞丝,吉尔松涅尔3地底猥琐胆小的奥克们也该滚出中土世界了10102230是家吗06035大号被封了,乌鱼子132至尊魔戒被毁,巴拉都倒塌,索伦覆灭。魔多再次荒废,邪恶要许久才会褪去。0指环王里的魔多大军有多少人吗?魔多是一个什么样的地方? ————————————————————————向前冲,不要惧怕黑暗!奋起,奋起!塞奥顿的骑兵!矛断盾碎裂,视死当如归!挥剑杀敌,血染大地!迎接初升的太阳吧!冲啊!冲啊!冲啊!驰向毁灭,直到世界的终结!杀!杀!杀!向前冲啊,伊欧王的子民们!!