8眼看他起朱楼,眼看他宴宾客,眼看他楼塌了。 许愿某人早日被清算
4161251318昨晚21世纪以来瓜队团体最惊天动地的几大案例,如何进行排名010463010331122大赛预赛前三14没有孙炜做的漂亮1盲猜霍🐔遥遥领先88272Double salto forward pike with bent legs gets devalued to double salto forward tuck if legs bend before the gymnast's back is parallel to the floor during the second salto. (IC Course 2024) If knee bend occurs after the gymnast's back is parallel to the floor then it is double front pike with E jury deductions25感觉其实是鼓励质量0有史以来最好的三场男子全能决赛:18WC 19WC 21OG(排名不分先后)18不算P分(比如自由操结束不用两周空翻)