11The River
2寻歌dawn bound train谁有交流一下
0欢迎喜欢Bruce Springsteen的朋友加入本吧!!! 有更多关于他的资源、图片和演唱会视频。。欢迎一起补充、完善! 点击此处进入: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%C3%C0%B9%FA%D2%A1%B9%F6%BD%CC%B8%B8
18刚听了the river,真棒!
0714I am interested in the song.0http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjIyNDIzNzI=.html 就是这个演唱会里面吹的那个 哪个大神能告诉我是什么口琴么 十孔口琴?8可惜这里没什么人哦..0我是92的,超级喜欢Boss啊!!!可是他在中国没什么名气,喜欢摇滚的也很少。。。1有些句子不太懂,英语不好。 先谢谢了1认识他是在大四左右,看外教有几张他的CD,就借来刻录了。此次,他成了我最喜欢的歌手! 他的CD我全部都有了。6Love The River0rt,prince吧吧主来访。 对他不太了解呢还。0大家好,enrique吧来访了。springsteen是Enrique最崇敬的歌手之一。enrique吧已将springsteen吧加为友情贴吧。 enrique吧直通车http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=enrique1好听!真帅!2Bruce Springsteen & Sting合唱的The River,Sting的嗓音浑厚 、沙哑,Bruce的嗓音沙哑,带有磁性,两人的合声完美之极!口 琴,与小提琴和合奏更是经典的结尾~~~~ http://www.toodou.com/programs/view.php?itemID=10966591You're Missing Shirts in the closet, shoes in the hall Mama's in the kitchen, baby and all Everything is everything Everything is everything But you're missing Coffee cups on the counter, jackets on the chair Papers on the doorstep, but you're not there Everything is everything Everything is everything But you're missing Pictures on the nightstand, TV's on in the den Your house is waiting, your house is waiting For you to walk in, for you to walk in But you're missing, you're missing You're missing when I shut out the lights You're missing when I close my eyes You're1喜欢6,70年代经典流行音乐的朋友 真正懂得摇滚乐的朋友请加入0有的话请把我加进去,770147560springsteen1我要申请吧主.请现任吧主同意.