11名称由来 哥伦比亚(Columbia)之名来源于发现美洲大陆的哥伦布(Christopher Columbus),且英文拼法不同于南美国家哥伦比亚(Colombia)。哥伦比亚(Columbia)常作为美国的女性代称;相对应的,山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)是美国的男性代称。 学校概况 哥伦比亚大学属于私立的常春藤盟校,由三个本科生学院和十三个研究生学院构成。现有教授三千多人,学生两万余人,校友25万人遍布世界150多个国家。学校每年经费预算约20亿美元,图书馆藏书870万册。哥伦
681.不准犯上 2.不准忤逆 3.不准作乱
21纽约的星光不黯淡。 梦想的天空最璀璨。 具中考还有24天。 具哥大还有三年。 一起努力。用生命来圆那个终将实现的梦。
5From its beginnings in a schoolhouse in lower Manhattan, Columbia University has grown to encompass two principal campuses: the historic, neoclassical campus in the Morningside Heights neighborhood and the modern Medical Center further uptown, in Washington Heights. Today, Columbia is one of the top academic and research institutions in the world, conducting pathbreaking research in medicine, science, the arts, and the humanities. It includes three undergraduate schools, thirteen graduate and professional schools, and a school of continuing education.