0经核实吧主冷浅瞳 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 billygilman吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
1say you will billy gilman求歌词文件,lrc格式的
86有和我一样最爱这首的么5潜水多时,开始浮面2今天老师放他的Spend another night...真心好听啊......而且他和我的大偶像MJ一样因为有一颗GOLDEN HEART,也有纯粹的声音啊!!!!当即成为他的FANS.....爱,....5012~~~~~~~~~~~~~122嗯………………………… 特别企划 乐坛童星排排坐 首先 这个特别企划的存在应该感谢Biley同学的在5月刊上的留言,建议做欧美童星的专题,小编当时表示要来一次“巨型合并同类项”,于是就有了7月刊整整17页的专题……1101372各位喜欢欧美插画的朋友可以来幕星社吧,幕吧欢迎您的到来! 另外,我也是非常喜欢小BG的,所以很希望和吧主做个朋友。2大家想一想吧!16我喜欢听童声,听过declan,troye sivan,greyson chance的歌,但最喜欢billy,百听不厌0还有身边的腐败分子要深挖哩10第十六位73Some kids have and some kids don’t And some of us are wondering why. And Mom won’t watch the news at night There’s too much stuff that’s making her cry. We need some help Down here on earth A thousand prayers, a million words But one voice was heard. A house, a yard, a neighborhood Where you can ride your new bike to school. A kinda world where mom and dad Still believe the golden rule Life’s not that simple Down here on earth. A thousand prayers, a million words But one voice was heard. One voice, one simple word Hearts know what to say. One dream can change the world Keep believing1歌词: I remember her Shakin' off the dust She could walk the walk She was one of us When she went away I went down that day Tryin' to cheer her up Said you won't be missin' much And all that I remember When I think of her back then Is a fast-talkin' fun-lovin' girl we called a friend Hey little Suzie just got back She's still wearing her baseball hat Struck out twice and came back to sit with me The game got called on a count of the weather The rain came down and we huddled together Thinkin' that life just couldn't get better And when she walked away I noticed She was lookin' back I hope I