0这可能是我来延吉的最后一次,也是这次来的第二天,也是第一个早上。她一如既往地不开心,一如既往地没办法控制情绪。 我的内心反倒没有什么很难受的感觉,因为来这一次,其实我也没有很抱着希望,这是没想到会是这样罢了,可能这就是不到黄河心不死吧。 这样的情绪管理,我在想,可能我跟她,也走不到一起哎,这时候的她,有点变成了,我嘴巴里面常说的,光长年龄,不长心智的人。 我这次来,总结了几个原因 1,沉没成本太高,7年过
21 添加素材,点击右下角素材库。对着相应文件点打开即可。 2 对视屏素材剪辑,快捷键C是剪辑的刀子,V是选择。 对着视频素材点右键,点取消链接,可以分开视频跟音频,删除素材的快捷键是 删除键。
0i retest my ecglish level. i though will be step up. but i was wrong. is become a1....actrally is down grade. maybe i should learn all of again. that is a good thing for me. and i make the egg oil tonight. i am learn from a novel about medicine. i good for the skin.just apply it yo your skin. is easy haha good night
0my eyes is feel better than before. the medicine is doable. i hope my sick can get well soon. some time ago. ilke make some juice for my grandmorther. because doctory sad, i good for she s health. so i almost make that every. basically i will mix banana and yogurt becomes banana yogurt. the cost is low but is good for her. once i try get the banana and strawberry with yogurt. but well. i didn let her drink. because i cheak on intertent that drink is not good for health later. so i threw it all away. actrally for me. i like ice cool drink. it well make me refreshing. i love smoothies, basically
0haha i am listent english right now. let me second
0juet back home. doctor confirn i get red eye sick
0i must take care myself. cause i have something imporent to do. and something i cant not pull up
0when i get up. i feeling my eye still swollen and many tears. and my heart is really have some sick i think. but is not terrible. i think because i have not enough rest lately. i dont know. i juet hope, if i really death. i can left something about money for whos i care or someone care about me. not liabilites
0i dont know why i get so sick. actually i will make me sick. like me? may from two days ago, my eye was red and wollen, and also tears. i make me felling bad.luckly i bought some eyedrops. it words. i am ready sleep. good night and tomorrow will be better . some guys. you write it, and you gain. i think is true. because i can fell i better than before. haha
0girl are need have a good rest. because good rest with rested and beautiful. and if dont want have sneezes and cough, you need have more exercise.or you can say if you dont want get sick as often as like me. do more exercise
0actually i terribly like it chewing gun. but i cant not eat that after my orthodontics. and my eye not feeling well toady. i also want to sleep. i dont know why? i dont like eat some baked food. but baked cake is not icluded. you know i lke a lot of cream with cake. i really really really want to drive a car on the road, on the no cars lane. i swear to myself. i weill rend the canr frist time when i get the drive license. i like drink chilled coke after exerise out. because is very refreshing. and i like this feel. and it can make you cool down. in guangzhou the weather is become summer, i usu
0actually i cant remember how to spell "actually" a few weeks ago. i was admitted to the hospital because i not feeling well. doctor telling me dont eat to heavy and to rich. especially like fries. i want sleep let continue tomorrow morning. I Will get up on 5 and half
0actually i am thinking of if i should wirte it. because in today i just sit around. i just write something from new words. i often go to the massage shop near my home. everytime i will swear to myself this is the last time when i go back home. but i cant do it ereytime. i am so weak. let body control my mind. is funny . i thing my dick is medium in ordinary man. haha and i go to the grilled shop eat some raw oysters(sea food) if it was before, maybe i will order a midnight snack combo with coke. ice cool coke. but i didnt tonight. i want a large raw oysters combo. be they only have medium. alt
0actually i dont want writing anything tonight. but i already get over ,finally i ready to make a diary fo myself. in my plan i could doing two job on the same time. and i can make lot of money ,and i doing manything i want to.but right now, i have no idea. i afraid i well become the person i hate most. maybe is already happen. i dont know. here are my goals first of all is i have to get the drive license. second i need to moving for my job. i cant sit around and do nothing anymore. the third keep exercising, build my body the fourth have a good rest and can not slelp in antmore good night
0哈哈哈哈 我回来啦
0哎我真的是醉了 原来一直是我自作多情呐
0蕊蕊 其实还是会想起你 偶尔吧 我好想有人可以真心跟我说声加油
0蕊 我想你
0我真的曾经很爱你,其实现在也是, 但是你。。我真的好失望
0你个白痴。等我计划好的时候才跟我说这些东西,我真的受不了啊。。。。。 巅峰状态也不行。真的。