04222001年bbc制作的纪录片6Natasha: The Biography of Natalie Wood By Suzanne Finstad37费雯丽在notley庄园经常在开派对,和他们共度过周末的名字有马琳黛德丽 奥森威尔斯 雷克斯哈里森 凯肯戴尔 朱迪加兰 大卫尼文 约翰米尔斯, 罗伯特赫普曼3When Larry and I were doing ‘The Sleeping Prince’, on the stage there was talk of filming it. The idea at first was that we should appear in the film too. “Then I saw Marilyn Monroe in ‘How to Marry a Millionaire’ and I thought, heaven help me, that she was very funny. I said to Larry : “This girl is wonderful in comedy. I suggested that she star in the film ‘The Sleeping Prince’ with him… and I added I thought I might be too old for the part. “They believed me, and Terry Rattigan and Larry went crazy over Monroe and when I changed my mind and suggested I might play the par0I adore Bette Davis and Vivien Leigh, but more because they were good actresses. That's what makes me interested in them, that they didn't present themselves as idols; they were just doing their jobs. 艾美达·斯丹顿:我喜欢贝蒂戴维斯和费雯丽,更多是因为她们是优秀的女演员,这是我对她们感兴趣的地方。她们并不把自己当做偶像,而仅仅只是做自己的工作。0不论是永远的尹雪艳,还是看尽繁华的金大班,作家白先勇作品里头创造的女人,总是散发著无人能比的大器与风采。女性的坚毅与美丽,最令他折服,当白先勇被问到心目中最爱的女星典型是哪一位时,他笑著沉吟了一会儿,脱口而出:「费雯丽!12660白先勇在读田纳西·威廉斯自传后写的读后感《人生如戏》中关于费雯演技有如下评价:“费雯丽在舞台及银幕上把白兰芝演活了,她得那般入戏,最后真的精神崩溃,把自己当成了白兰芝。我看过不少人演白兰芝一角,最后一个是费·唐娜薇(Faye Dunaway),她的演技很杰出,奈何费雯丽演得太精彩了,她是天才中的天才,除了她,我无法接受别人扮演白兰芝。37在The Actresses I Can’t Forget!中对费雯丽有一句评价 Vivien Leigh, fragile and feminine, is an exciting personality. 在The Golden Age 中对费雯丽的另一句评价 And one of the most beautiful and talented ladies ever to grace a motion picture screen—Vivien Leigh.