0如果有一天,无意间点进来——或者是有心地一路找过来的你看到了这里,随便翻啦没关系!但请安静地、偷偷地看,不要让我知道有人看到了我的黑历史和碎碎念们哦。 就当是给我留个面子,拜托啦
0感觉很尴尬。 严格来说,百度贴吧没有私人领域可言,因此我也无法阻止您发帖。 不知道您是从什么入口发现的这里,只是这样频繁而无意义地发布留言,让人感觉像被陌生人翻开了自己的日记本一样,心生尴尬。 可否请您给我这位网络上的过客留一点安静的空间,让我有个没人理睬、没人打扰的地方,放心地自言自语呢?
22“——那么,欢迎我们的新成员加入「旁观者联盟」。” “……真是刚正朴实的本土电影译名气息啊,没有其他的候选名了吗?” “呃、哈哈哈……要不叫「旁观者总动员」?” “「幸福安心委员会」怎么样?” “……” “开玩笑的。还是联盟吧。” 轻松的短篇单元故事企划,讲述每个故事中数量有限的非主角们如何让主角走向人生巅峰的故事。 “世界上哪有那么多茫茫人海中遇到你就一见钟情和碰巧的转角遇见爱,那还不都是我们的功劳!”
4#Broken Mirror with Normal World. Name.隋敬 Age&Birth.比主角小100天整 Sex.Male 把赏心悦目的美女摆在他眼前,吸引力不如一把散在半空的蒲公英。 常想烧点什么东西。衍生的爱好是喜欢BBQ,比起吃更享受制作的过程,意外的是那个在聚餐时负责给大伙做饭的角色。手艺还行,不很惊艳但能吃。 懒惰异常——是个可以把「So Beautiful」短短两个词用不同音调或唱腔重复八遍的偷懒狂。用即兴Rap代替原本懒得去记的曲调更是家常便饭。 称不上骄傲自满,却又目中
0the hot your eyes which scorch me it made me feel pain in that silent moon night the story written in a lot of paradoxic words oh well, i knew it's so simple casting like tasting around and twining around my skin my eyes, lips, fingers and my everything. they were tricked by you i am led to the trap concealed in word "fate" i'm just falling down in your love i cast the another world over the glass with my side glance raining there again and it is spreading gradually so, like that moon night. do you remember? i have never shown anyone else the rose which is my deepest secret,
0Aメロ1 0:45 消えたライト その構図 わりと寒い、寒いんだと 駅へ沈む陽に Aメロ2 0:54 消えてない コーヒー、 フィルタ、の火に 駅へ沈む 沈む不安 Aメロ3 1:01 ふらーっと通る フライヤーの灰汁と 出かけに 呼ぶ フォロワーのスタイル 肩に垂らしたケーブル。ヘッドホン 消しちゃうくせに Bメロ1 1:16 つまり、えーと。 じゃあ捨てるの? じゃあ、棄てるの? 捨てるにしたって 黄色いポスト? Bメロ2 1
0You've got a lot of nerve, you're a disaster You know you don't deserve! I've failed to see all the red flags you put in front of me In too deep. Couldn't see I was in your way Trapped in the dark can't find the light When you're taught to look down your whole life You've got a lot of nerve, you're a disaster You know you don't deserve what your after So sick of watching you abuse almost anyone who's feeling sorry for you When your luck runs out, you'll crawl on your hands & knees Desperate & lonely you'll say anything to me But you&#
0Good and bad Go together side by side They are both part of the story They are both part of my special life I don't know how much time i've spent With dreamin' in the skies I don't know how many castles I have painted in the air I won't forget these days That i would never change at all I will keep them close next to my heart I won't let them fall apart Fall apart All we have in life Are these precious moments Keep them as they come Before they slip away All we have in life Are these precious moments Keep them as they come Before they slip away I don't know how much
0I've got a star shooting right through my heart and they say two out of three ain't bad, no And it's still a train wreck when there's no one around We'll live in the hills with the thrills and the pills But I can't take it And I'm the first one to come last In future days and times gone past So numb the pain inject me please I wanna float through the galaxy Lifeless til the bitter end And I know I cannot transcend I'm overdosing can't you see Yeah on this cosmic galaxy
3#Dream Guardian #为自己记录的梦游十诫 规则1:不要死。无论做多少梦,命只有一条。 规则2:在梦中可以入眠做梦,像《盗梦空间》那样。 规则3:在梦中只能看清主场者与其创造的事物,外来者的脸是模糊不清的。 规则4:…… ………… 规则9:以上规则对搭档不一定适用。 规则10:不要招惹搭档。 ——来自睡眠质量不好的ta的便签本。
0“What the hell are you?” “Self-saved Security System from Universe No.64. Short for 4S. But I choose another name, Force. Hey dont remind me of Starwar!”
20#凡人AU,混杂一切。 大概是仿蓝空世界观形式的东西。
0该学学写小人物了。 1234567890,易山霸(138),刘思儿(642),齐久(79),林五(05)。 第一批人,多简单好记的名字啊。 138和05可以是从农村出来的吧?名字简单霸气,就是一个体力派和一个头脑派的(互相看不顺眼的)发小组合。 642一看就像个女孩的名字,79也是。让她们两个作为惺惺相惜的竞争对手存在吧。
1“(你见那)调色盘上 铁马金戈震天下 笔墨落进 万里山河一盏茶 棱角勾出 潇潇雨歇浪淘沙 风起云涌 伸手却是镜中花 歌台舞榭 风流不敌一道疤 不如归去 千金一掷散千家 缘起缘灭 犹如见那高楼塌 唯愿沉眠 梦中再续此芳华” ——灵感源自亲王微博语“逛历史遗址一定要带脑洞去”。
0不要惊醒大卫,Can''t sleep,名字其实都很带感呢
1五个家族,五位创始者。 —————————— 关于“叶”姓氏的小笑话。 原意取自叶韵,结果因为语文水平太差就直接读成ye去声了233
1【人物设定】现用名「格利亚·雷文希尔(Goglia Ravenshear)」 性别为男,染咖啡色发,个子较学院大部分男生而言偏高(因为是格斗系的☆),面容端正。喜欢可爱的幼女(死萝莉控)。 曾是对外名声近乎完美的格斗系学院明星,有着良好的教养和与上流贵族阶层不相上下的风度。之前一度以高超的格斗技巧与优秀的判断能力位于格斗系优秀学生前列。后不知为何突然失去灵活的头脑,却得到超乎寻常的生命力,秘密地拥有了不死之身。 实际是因为
0倒是也可以作为素材之一…… “最讨厌夏天的格利亚先生,一到升温之际就要全副武装与蚊子大军拚命。” 啊我还是换主角好了…学长学姐们万岁!
0以前写的东西都去哪儿了啦百度你快还回来,辛苦了半个初三的文本啊T T