0经核实吧主幻世的深渊 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 幻世的天空吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
21. D) She hopes to advertise her house for renting. 2. C) Landlord and potential tenant. 3. D) 0173426455. 4. B) He got a broken leg when he was 17. 5. A) He is keen on the project. 6. D) Wrestling. 7. C) In three days. 8. C) In the living room. 9. D) She is a singer. 10. B) Jazz. 11. C) He is going to download some podcast. 12. D) Joanna. 13. B) She is a young girl who overcomes her difficult family life with the support of a magical helper. 14. B) 17th century. 15. D) Famine all over the world. 16. B) Cambodia stopped exporting of rice. 17. C) The global warming has its effects. 18. C) On Ma
0第十四单元 1. A) The town hall. 2. C) A running competition. 3. C) Asking for a practical violin exam. 4. D) She will visit her aunt. 5. C) From a ticket machine. 6. B) Outside the apartment building. 7. A) They will abandon the car soon and she can get it back. 8. B) She will need to wait for the news from the police. 9. B) He lost his job. 10. C) His wife was ill and he needed money. 11. B) The two speakers are sympathetic with Charlie. 12. D) Theft. 13. A) More than 6,000 14. B) The majority of crimes hardly went down. 15. B) Crime rates are increasing. 16. C) Eastern Europe. 17. C) Th
11第二单元答案: 1、B PD672 2、C She was upset. 3、D To do some walking 4、C He planed to buy his lunch at school 5、D She was a bit surprised and did not entirely agree 6、B He needed to smoke. 7、D Not mentioned specifically. 8、 A He wanted to quit but he failed. 9、A He wants to book a hotel room. 10、C 139 dollars. 11、 D On October 12. 12、 B Flight 345
4752L发图1RT35从前,有一个人长得很像电话,有一天,他走着走着,就挂了!52L发图3742L发图1大年初一来吧拜年,祝大家新年快乐,吧主大吉大利。。。。。。。。。。。5一楼祭拜度娘···· 烧香·····(啧啧,她还没死呀……)9好久没来更新内容了!嗯,给各位奉上一些歌吧。。。。331L百度你慢慢吃,别噎着61L百度13291L祭天63No1《当幸福来敲门》001214撒花~~~~~~~~~~11嗯。。。其实引体向上这坑爹玩意儿一个也不做老师也会放过我们的。。。。反正我只做2个,哈哈。。。4111L百度1诸葛亮真是神勇 诸葛亮指挥作战,每次都单独乘坐一辆战车跟随大军。 有一次打仗,刚一开战,诸葛亮就驾车带头冲向敌方。军队一下士气大振,紧随其后,大破敌军。 战后,众人都赞:“军师神勇!” 诸葛亮:“坡太斜,没刹住车……”171L百度61L百度4圣诞节前2天地时候代表本吧出去跑跑外交,问个好,,,,,有工资哦~每小时0.25角~凑齐1.00元一起付款。。。。。。 @马里奥小尼11个人很喜欢看小说,番茄的吞噬星空,盘龙,星辰变,等,唐三的斗罗,酒神,嗯嗯,还有辰东的遮天啦,等等,哈哈,求好书7呵呵,等2L来人呢。。。。4好看。。。嗯5一页最多容纳40个帖子?6@隔壁的芒果熟了 @卡萨克莱萨野兽 真的很谢谢你们的支持!常来玩啊~8这个贴吧就是我的家。。。纵然时光流逝,这里我对这里永远喜爱!以后还会请更多朋友来的。。嗯256我要感谢我的父母、同学、舍友、老师以及我遇到的所有人6就我一个人在努力建设。。。。141L百度