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    TMZ reported on 29 July, according to informed sources, the famous singer and actor Lady Gaga's pet dog Asia after first came on breast cancer death seems to have a new disease, from the current situation can be inferred to be infected with canine parvovirus, distemper is a short period of time, even with Asia two kinds of incurable disease, as a star dog, really frightening, according to Gaga's personal pet doctor speculated that may be due to breast cancer leads to defects in the immune system, reduced immunity, so that the virus has an opportunity, in accordance with the provisions of the W
    妈宝 11-19
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    光头的确该骂。 不过大家还是买两张新专送光头最后一程吧… 她的态度 的确是不配得到粉丝各种无条件的爱。 他的团队 的确是该死个全家爆炸 他的儿子 街灯依然是我老公 想想也是可笑 为了这个废物偶像天天沉迷贴吧 为她撕逼 。 算了 就让白莲花去爱吧 白莲花粉丝应该会一人买1300000张专辑 毕竟爱的那么深 布兰妮 你趁着还有点人品和以前的风光 快给我退休吧 不然等你败完了你的辉煌口碑 你就真的完了[图片][图片][图片]
  • 15
    According to informed sources reported, famous singer Lady Gaga keeps a French Bulldog 'Asia' has been diagnosed with a hidden disease, according to the guess is may be breast cancer, Lady Gaga and brokerage firms have tried to conceal a thing, but was informed sources revealed, according to the data, the life span of a French Bulldog is only 10 years, Asia has entered state of the elderly, and progression of breast cancer, is expected soon to die, and Lady Gaga's other pet dog 'Koji' there is no any rumors.
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    dfsdlaso 6-6
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