5之前跟某位跨男聊天,他的想法确实比较触动我。但我也有些比较困惑的地方,就是既然生理性别不存在,那性别认同到底基于什么产生呢?这里的“性别”是不是需要被去除?毕竟器官本身不决定性别,因此传统意义的男性也完全可以是女性。但这里的女性认同是从何而来?为什么会觉得是女性呢?女性又是什么意思? 我以前觉得自己是男性或女性,就是根据生殖器、染色体和社会观念来判定的。然而,社会观念的男女性本来就是规训,生殖器和
17Transgender (often shortened to trans) is a term referring to an individual whose gender identity does not entirely, always, only, or at all correspond with their assigned gender at birth (AGAB). Transgender is not a gender identity on its own, rather it is a gender modality; it expresses that there is a difference between one's AGAB and one's gender identity. The opposite of transgender is cisgender. 跨性别(通常缩写为“ trans”)是指性别认同与出生时的指定性别(AGAB)不完全、始终、不仅仅或根本不一致的个体。 跨性别本身并不是一
4“同性恋强迫症”实际上是指“同性恋强迫思维”(HomosexualOCD),是强迫症的一种表现形式。在这一强迫症亚型中,个体会反复产生关于自己性取向的强烈焦虑和怀疑,即便他们的实际性取向与这些想法不一致。主要症状包括反复怀疑自己的性取向、害怕自己在无意识中发生性取向转变、执着于试图“确认”自己是否是同性恋等。这种症状在不同人身上表现有所不同,可能包括以下方面: 1. 反复思考或怀疑性取向:患者可能会不自觉地产生对自己性
4无性别是一种身份认同或状态,指个体不认同任何特定的性别类别,或不认为自己的性别归属于现有的性别框架(如男性、女性)。 无性别者不认为性别对其身份具有重要意义,可能不认同传统的性别分类,或在某些情况下认为自己是“性别中立”或“不具有性别”的存在。这是一种个人的性别体验或状态,强调的是个体对性别的主观感受和表达。 无性别主义则是一种社会理论或政治立场,主张解构性别的社会建构。无性别主义者认为,性别是一种
4目前本吧活跃人数较少,管理工作暂时没有太大困难。但如果有吧友愿意参与吧务工作,我个人非常欢迎。 一般来说,吧务由吧主直接任命,但我不太认同这种独裁式做法。因此,本吧吧务竞选将采用与吧主竞选类似的公开形式,具体规则如下: 1. 竞选感言要求 吧务竞选者需发布竞选感言,内容包括但不限于以下几点: ① 对性别的看法 ② 对吧规的理解 ③ 对吧务管理职责的设想 ④ 如何推动吧内讨论氛围的建设 2. 公示期 自竞选帖发布之日起,将
11个人觉得还是跟生理性别及性别认同有关的。 首先,和生理性别的关系。比如我,生理男,没觉醒前一直跟着主流审美和基因引导走,长时间的取向都是女人味十足的女性。即便现在自认为自己是无性别,但是既然不老实地在男性框架里呆着,可以认为是不喜欢普遍意义上的男性,排除同性恋。相反,如果一个生理性别女,没觉醒前大概也是取向为异性的,加之在女性框架内呆地不舒服,大概率也是不喜欢同性的某些特质的,可以大致排除同性恋。
3Assigned Gender At Birth (AGAB) or Designated Gender At Birth (DGAB, also called Assigned Gender or Assigned Sex (ASAB)) is the gender one is assigned at birth based on medical factors, including hormones, chromosomes, and genitals. It is the sex that is put on one's birth certificate and typically corresponds to the gender one was raised as or is assumed to be in childhood. The term is a way to refer to the sex that was put on one's birth certificate, without making assumptions about their current sex, body or gender. Common acronyms are: AFAB: Assigned Female At Birth. Also seen as D
5Gender refers to how one relates to the gender categories within one's society and culture. One's gender is built from many different aspects, including gender identity, gender presentation, gender alignment, and gender modality. All societies have a set of gender categories, each with their own cultural norms and expectations, which are typically based on a division of labor. In most societies--particularly Western societies--there is a gender binary, meaning two recognized genders (male/men and female/women), and those who exist outside these categories fall under the umbrella terms
2Gender identity is a term referring to the way an individual experiences their identity in relation to societal and cultural concepts regarding gender. This can include deeply-held inner feeling of whether one is female, male, both, or neither (including third genders, genderlessness, xenogender etc.) An individual's gender identity is an internally held identity and is not seen by others. For most individuals, their gender identity matches their physical traits and assigned gender at birth, but it’s important to know that these concepts are independent and can be different for each indi
12生理上我们不一样,但精神上,智商上相同。我们人都欣赏美,向往美。歌颂美 ,追求美。追求人格的平等,明确的分辨美与不美 。非得,为好于坏,贴上各种标签,普信女 *** …各类分支 让人们变的 互相伤害 攻击 我受够这个世界了
01. 如果有用户发布违规内容,可以在此投诉 2. 如果对建设本吧有想法,可以在此建议 3. 如果吧务有不妥之处,可以在此反馈 补充:如果是投诉违规内容,请附带原帖链接🔗或直接在原帖艾特我/其他吧务
2Genderless refers to the state of not having a gender. A genderless individual experiences a complete absence of gender. The term is usually interchangeable with agender, but some might prefer it over agender, because genderless more clearly shows that one does not have a gender. Genderless can also be an umbrella for terms like agender, gendervoid, and singularian. Someone who identifies as agender or partly agender can also use the term genderless because genderless and agender are similar terms. It is also commonly used by those who prefer the term genderless over agender, or those who coll
2申请精华帖的模板:帖子链接➕申请理由 评定标准:1.内容优质;2.反响较好。
18无性之分 没有标签 人人平等 如果没有激素就好了 身体和思维不会被影响 其实身体(容器)已经不重要了 思维(液体)的腐蚀更严重 根本无法改变 无时无刻不在潜移默化影响着
8对哪里有疑问的话都可以和平讨论,但请不要吵架。 我从初中开始就很反对男性应该怎么样,女性应该怎么样之类的话语,这种一刀将人类划分成两类的做法在当时让想要理解所有人的我厌恶至极。 到现在我明白性别在社会当中不止作为一种生理特征的描述而存在,同样十分明确的作为一种身份而存在,而且这种身份和类似于瘦子,胖子之类的身份不同,或许一部分人会对胖子有刻板印象,觉得胖子就应该怎么样,但大家都不会要求一个胖子在社会
22我就抛砖引玉先说说自己。 本人91年的,家贫,幼即失父,母消极孤僻。生而为男,周围的大人经常跟我说,作为家里的长男,要好好学习,将来光宗耀祖,振作门楣。此背景。 无男性榜样,加之自卑作祟,从小崇拜班里学习好、家境好的女同学,常自比之,羡而妒。 后爱看书,无书不看,常拿消极懒散的母亲与心中的母亲形象比对,愈厌母。吾常想,自己做女人,必胜与吾母,从此心里埋下了做女人的念头,二十年不辍。 后来,性格愈发不像男人