7Procedure for CIF Deliveries 1. Buyer sends LOI or ICPO to Seller. Seller sends FCO to Buyer. Buyer signs FCO and reverts to Seller. PB BOND WILL BE GIVEN AFTER CONFIRMATION OF THE DLC AT THE BUYERS BANK . Note: we will always verify each LOI or ICPO with the buyer himself. 2. Seller sends FCO to Buyer and Buyer reverts the following documents properly filled out to Seller: As per the documentations of the full details will be on the SPA. •Completed FCO with Buyer’s bank data, signed and sealed. •Customer Information Sheet (CIS; template provided by Seller) on Buyer’s letterheads, cont
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00需要快来抢座位17西北地区非标航空煤油量大价优感兴趣朋友留下联系方式我会第一时间联系您4全国各地回收飞机轮胎13871345287许先森05. Within limited days 60 days maximum (depends on the product and other parameters) after confirmation of the instrument by Seller’s bank and depending on SGS inspection time line loading starts as per delivery schedule agreed in the contract. 6. Buyer’s bank pays for each shipment 100% by DLC at sight in the Loading port against presentation of the shipping documents. Buyer’s bank pays for each shipment the balance by T/T in the Loading port against presentation of the shipping documents. 7. Vessel sails to destination Port, Seller gives DTA at discharging port and Buyer makes Dip Test0JET A1吧主欢迎您 实时货源、行情、价格共享3115各位大神,向你们打听点事, 请问这里地区哪里有,航煤油 和轻循环油卖啊。 知道的请联系我一下,谢谢了06各位朋友,有无关系较好的,认识马来西亚,印尼,韩国,新加坡各大炼油厂的人脉关系,东方石油公司长期需求轻质循环油,航空煤油(我们有特别许可证经营),稀释沥青,可开证可对保,本公司在当地有办事人员,可协助炼厂关系人工作,有以上关系和我沟通。多谢大家,具体洽谈对接地:广州1产品 - 航空煤油喷气燃料等级 - JET A-1 和殖民地等级 54. 2779321560为什么发不了贴子???5出齐鲁石化航空煤油151693952851需要联系8京津唐地区长期求购JET-A1航油,有资源者留下联系方式等信息。6京津冀附近国标航空煤油出售5价格美丽,欢迎咨询0成都 出售航空煤油,飞机油漆,有收的联系! 微信bestyun3696广西防城港求购煤油,每天用量一百吨左右,最好是钦州等比较近的货源0v15638593257