1本人没玩过Dark souls的系列作品..这次看到了steam的封面,想入手玩玩,但是不知道DARK SOULS™ III是怎么联机的,看直播时觉得很像是暗黑破坏神3的感觉啊,但是D3我玩了4,5个月就刷厌了...求解DARK SOULS™ III是怎么联机的..要是跟D3一样我就...
0经核实吧主不识庵谦信 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 darksouls3吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0为啥我的dark souls3即不能跳跃,也没有快跑,我照那个网上说把跳跃键改成x没啥卵用啊
0If so ,please stop it,coz it doesn't make this forum a friendly one
1Dark Souls 3’s release date and two collector’seditions may have been outed by Middle-Easternretailer Geekay Games in a pair of listings
0JUNGLIST I recently played through a demo of Dark Souls 3, which was as keen as anything to reference itself. But despite bursting at the seams with self-love, there wasn’t one nod to the trials & tribulations of finding Vendrick. File this one under “just saying”. This is one of those times when I’m not sure if this is actually a thing or not, but… I just find it quite odd that in a demo full of fan-pleasing Easter eggs – and I mean, full of them – there’s not one bit of love for Drangleic. It took me an hour to beat the demo’s boss. I was expecting far longer, because D
0by Tim Turi on September 04, 2015 at 03:10 PM From Software is on a roll. Bloodborne is one of the biggest Game of the Year contenders for 2
0You're faster and more dangerous in Dark Souls 3, but so is everything else David Houghton on September 1, 2015 Dark Souls 3 has remained enigmatic since its surprise announcement at E3 this year, and not by way of the series' usual systemic arcaneries and lore-based conundrums. Those remain largely unexplained and unexplored, of course, but right now the real question to be asked of Dark Souls 3 is not what it is, but why. After all, between Dark Souls 2's delivery of expansion without evolution, and original director Hidetaka Miyazaki's separate, much more radical development
0The way Dark Souls 3 as being presented at E3 2015 and at Gamescom 2015 had most of us thinking that the game’s developers, From Software,
22Dark Souls 3 Interview: "This is a Turning Point for the Series"
0Dark Souls may be the first challenge to halt the Twitch Plays phenomenon in its tracks. Twitch Plays Dark Souls is – well. It’s a train w
0Bloodborne was the most interesting thing to happen to the Souls series, says Sherif Saed, changing the way he approached Scholar of the Fir
0Bandai Namco officially announced Dark Souls III for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC during Microsoft’s E3 2015 press conference this morni
11YouTube channel The Know reportedly has first details on Dark Souls III, rumored to be announced at E3 in Los Angeles this month.