0经核实吧主Aiedail_呆 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 escaiedail吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0经核实吧主Escallisa 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 escaiedail吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
1容我先发首歌缓一缓。 Close Your Eyes - Michael Buble Close your eyes Let me tell you all the reasons why Think you're one of a kind. Here's to you The one that always pulls us through Always do what you gotta do You're one of a kind Thank God you're mine. You're an angel dressed in armor You're the fair in every fight You're my life and my safe harbor Where the sun sets every night And if my love is blind I don't want to see the light. It's your beauty that betrays you Your smile gives you away. Cause you're made of strength and mercy And my so
1They've taken everything away from you when you had no choice. They've stuffed endless shit in your head, telling you to behave and obey while they drained you of everything you have and everything you are. Now is the time to fight back. Now is the time to take back what they had taken away. Take back your voice. Your legacy. Your place in the world. But most importantly, your freedom. "My mind is my power."
0这次大家是不是真的散了。 近十年的断断续续的奇怪的缘分。每次异想天开回去看看都感觉你们在说欢迎回家。 那些奇怪的测试,挑战传统的理论,抱团取暖的快乐,现在是不是任何圈子都再也找不到了。 林子大了什么鸟都有,但是却很难找到想找的那只鸟了。
01. 为喵命中率一个个都那么高 2. 为喵我啥都想直接炸死 3. 为喵某飞碟依旧坑我 4. 为喵只救一个人就可以了 5. 为喵载入那么快【。 总有种可以上I/I了的错觉【。
1They are real people and they have been with me for longer than almost anyone else.
2看了半个cutscene已然被戳成渣渣 [手动添加债见表情*5]
5Your death shall be avenged. Your dreams shall be fulfilled. You shall sleep in peace.
0“Let them believe that he has died for this cause, that he has given up all the life he had left to bring about the world they will now enjoy in peace. Let them mourn for him and cry for him, let them pay their respects in front of his memorial. Let them believe once more that Death is the bad guy, and that this is another fairy tale ending where the hero must die. “Let them believe he has died, because they do not understand there is suffering much worse than death. They do not believe that Death is ultimately an escape from the horrors of Life. They do not accept that so many have ended
0似乎是一直觉得基于责任的期望好像有点不太对,但是又说不清哪里不对。 比如,it's your job/responsibility to do something, so I can expect you to do it, and if you didn't do it I have every right to be mad at you. 问题到底在哪里? 能想到的几个解释: 1. 期望是纯粹的non-productive甚至counter-productive的心理状态。比如,在你小的时候,父母有责任养你,你期望放学回家后不久他们会给你晚饭吃。然而某天你放学回家发现你父母出去浪去了不管你了(...),你完全可以喷他们
0AKA Things XCOM Operatives Are Not Allowed to Do https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BqoEJUWKVRFSKXOA2Ks3Ce7Kvphm
0出生就决定的东西=自己无法选择的东西=不应该限制自己的东西。 对自己出生时被assign的一些东西毫无认同感,然而不幸的是哪怕最关注最在乎这些东西的人几乎也只在乎种族性别性向这些很...高曝光的东西。 其他的呢。 基于出生的assumption很伤人。 基于出生的强行归类/划圈/打包对待更伤人。 有的时候真的很想问某群人你们到底哪儿来的自信。 想起某人曾经给我讲过的围城的比喻,然而现在只能呵呵之。 (毕竟某人也是自信心爆棚哟) 那么围
0总觉得我看球最大的乐趣和满足感在于看打脸。 而现在最欠揍的似乎就是某群自家人【。
0极端不理智的拥护是招我黑的第一要义... 哪怕是我曾经非常非常喜欢的人也摆脱不了无脑粉对我的影响... 更何况本来就不算我特别欣赏的人呢。 所以格娃是怎么做到走到现在还没招惹那些苍蝇似的无脑粉的。还是我到后来刻意没有过分关注所以才能保留最初的美好。
2-How did you do it? -I had to.
2http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4231187038 我就看投票分了下国籍…… 贵蜀国你们是来卖萌的吗! 贵魏国你们是来炸毛的吗! 贵吴国你们这板子要是赢不下来我~!@#$%^ 说实话很期待战队制的实战效果...然而并不指望贵圈来实行。 为喵我喜欢的games永远都是理想很丰满现实很伤感(。
4到时候走一个取关一个。 江湖从此再也不见。 因为真的不忍心再见。 你看那唯一一个稍微多了那么一点场外的了解的前队员,就这样成为我唯一大于中立的前队员。 你们看着喜欢的球员离开主队一个个说得多么伤心,然而这并没有妨碍你们继续追着看他们呀。 但我做不到了。 不会再关注他们,甚至不会偶尔扫一眼他们在的球队怎么样,甚至不会再知道他们最后去了哪里,抑或是哪里都没去。 在此立誓,如有打脸,一辈子不再看NFL。 等到他们退役
0"...we look at the positives that come out of the 'more probable than not' evil deeds. For example, fans that hate the Patriots more than they like their own team. Embrace the joy of our collective evil deeds that has stripped inferior fans of the essence of what it means to be a fan. Our pure domination of the inferiors has fans more excited about witch-hunts than winning, let alone getting to, a Super Bowl. Let them cry while, even without Brady, we are still favorites to raise the next Lombardi trophy."
2梦里的情景在醒后去回忆总会有各种模糊和扭曲的。然而我几乎可以确定梦里的那个瞬间做出那个几乎不过脑子的决定是为了保护某个对“我”重要的人。 我不知道“我”是不是我,但我确切地知道另外那人是谁。 没想到吧。 然而现实中却啥都做不了。 自从明确了脑洞设定之后总能感受到那两种人格在大脑里同时存在着。一个如柔和的海浪,一个如愤怒的烈火。 然而他们都是同一个人啊。他们都是我。 靠着一个自我编织的故事填补空虚的时光,靠
1智者:运筹帷幄; 统帅:精神领袖; 义士:忠于坚守; 雅士:风度翩翩; 猛将:血气方刚; 仁者:宽以待人; 文豪:知书达理; 能吏:技高于人; 异人:独一无二。
0There's nothing worth looking back anymore. But Tonight We Dance - Rise Against Breathe deep and easy, swallow this pride. Stare at my shaking hands through bone-dry, blood shot eyes. Clocks drip the hours, I count the miles. Will you be there waiting, awake until sunrise. I have traveled in darkness, for what seems like days, I, come from the sinkholes, collapsed under this weight. I know not your sorrow, but I know mine, So say you'll stay and dance with me tonight. In the glow of twilight, our world is finally calm. I felt it complete me, when the stars give way to dawn. A language
2六岁起开始编织的那个故事。 六年级时开始逐渐清晰的那个影子。 十几年来一直在构建那样一个世界那样一个形象,十几年的灵感,十几年来有多少个晚上因为太喜欢这个故事而躺着不愿睡着。 现在逐渐不会像那时那样,把身边的人一个个脑补成有多么阴暗的家庭经历,也不会设个半夜三点的闹钟只为醒来之后能躺着继续畅想。现在开始觉得,身边的人没有谁能配得上与那样一个形象相类比。 即便后来接触了再多的英雄场景,无论是电影小说还是
53边打边发, 嗯....
1The problem with 'serious gamers' - a desire to control the actions of their opponents.
3总是会在一个时刻莫名其妙地觉得一些人和另一些人很像。 而且有这种想法的应该不止我一个。 所以人的社交场是很早以前就决定了的么。 大概正因如此有时才会怕见到某些人。某些应该和自己很像的人。 不过想想觉得问题也不大,大不了躲着= = 但有些羁绊又能躲到什么时候呢。
1The Silent Force - Within Temptation 咳咳似乎还是比较喜欢歌词似懂非懂的东西。。
6信任别人也信任自己。 揭开帷幕好吗。
4每次升学都出状况,这次怎么可能例外。 每次想太多都会伤着自己,这次怎么可能例外。 在极端自私和极端无私之间游荡的人格,说到底到底是为什么而活。
1曾经太在意的东西一旦变得不那么在意 那似乎就无可避免地滑向一文不值。 我的字典里没有未来,只有过去和现在。