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    经核实吧主kicerlin 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定 ,无法在建设 kicerlin吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
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    周中国王杯:1月12日凌晨5:00 塞维 vs 瓦伦(备注:纳瓦斯缺阵、雷耶斯可能回归) 周末联赛:1月15日凌晨5:00 瓦伦 vs皇家社会(备注:索尔达多停赛) 1月份基本都是一周双赛,招工会比以前频繁 @圣西罗风暴 @维克托费舍尔 @vcflove @喔不告诉你 @蓝帽Saque @A尔贝尔达 @不能飞翔的代价 @mu163 @神棍Guy @清虚7探戈蝙蝠
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    @kicerlin K哥能否提供以下瓦伦02年夺冠的西甲积分榜 还有去年和前年的西甲积分榜》?》》
    神棍Guy 1-7
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    mu163 12-17
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    kicerlin 2011-12
    @mu163 @东吴周公瑾 @碧水康桥 最近这个盘口爱好者经常来发一些近乎脑残的言论,你们怎么看? 我个人的看法是,他的话不是完全胡言乱语,但大部分都没有根据,有类似造谣的嫌疑
    kicerlin 12-13
  • 1 没办法 只能写巴萨皇马,其实我还是提到了我伦的。欢迎吐槽。。。
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    @kicerlin 我现在在网易的国际足球做实习编辑了,希望增加一些瓦伦的版面,跟大家商量一下能不能把我们写的前瞻做过一些改动之后发到网易去,也是给我伦增加影响力的办法。现在我刚刚开始实习 这也只是个设想,看看大家的意见。
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    @神棍Guy 瓦伦的比赛结束了,在狗孩的瓦伦区开一些讨论吧 可以的话弄一个球员评分(可以参考goal.com的评分,然后按照自己的感觉再调整) 本周重点话题:皮亚蒂的去留
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    11月20日凌晨5:00 vs 皇马 11月24日凌晨3:45 vs 亨克 都是主场 @圣西罗风暴 @维克托费舍尔 @vcflove @喔不告诉你 @蓝帽Saque @A尔贝尔达 @不能飞翔的代价 @mu163 @神棍Guy @清虚7探戈蝙蝠
    kicerlin 11-24
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    @kicerlin 我想策划一个关于瓦伦对阵皇马的战术采访贴··· 你有时间参加不? 我想采访一下你和碎马 其他的大神我不怎么认识 求引见···
    神棍Guy 11-12
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    神棍Guy 2011-11
    @kicerlin @kicerlin @kicerlin 本次国家队比赛日我伦究竟有那些球员被征召了???
    神棍Guy 11-11
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    莱万特 VS 瓦伦西亚 比赛地点:瓦伦西亚城市体育场(容量25534人) 比赛时间:11月06日星期日 北京时间5:00 比赛性质:西班牙足球甲级联赛第十二轮 直播地址:关注前瞻贴,比赛前日更新 ···················分割线···················
    神棍Guy 11-2
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    瓦伦西亚城市德比! 需要详细而隆重地介绍双方,尤其现在一个排第三,一个排第四 谁有兴趣? @圣西罗风暴 @维克托费舍尔 @vcflove @喔不告诉你 @蓝帽Saque @A尔贝尔达 @不能飞翔的代价 @mu163 @神棍Guy @清虚7探戈蝙蝠
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    比赛时间:10月24日凌晨2点 比赛性质:西班牙足球甲级联赛第9轮 比赛地点:梅斯塔利亚球场 直播机构:CCTV5 (解说:贺诗人)
    kicerlin 10-22
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    周末vs马洛卡 下周中vs勒沃库森 谁有兴趣? @圣西罗风暴 @维克托费舍尔 @vcflove @喔不告诉你 @蓝帽Saque @A尔贝尔达 @不能飞翔的代价 @mu163 @神棍Guy @清虚7探戈蝙蝠
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    A look at the companies pursuing the technology gives a good indication of its potential 这句话怎么翻译啊 @kicerlin
    kicerlin 10-14
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    萨拉戈萨的庞西奥以前很强么? @kicerlin
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    (part1) This formation has never worked for Valencia CF in any shape or form, and having some weird transformations in it as well didn't help one bit either and it just made it more confusing to the players. But I know what Emery was thinking and why he set up the formation as he did. He was planing on playing Maduro so back that in a way it would be only Tino and Banega in the middle with Mathieu and Bruno standing in the middle as playing as wingers and have Jonas come in deep whenever possible when attacking. Here is an illustration: The first image is the starting formation, but that forma
    kicerlin 9-26
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    Substitute Paco Alcácer scored twice in the second half of extra time as Spain came from behind on two occasions to finally overcome the Czech Republic and claim a fifth UEFA European Under-19 Championship title in an engrossing final. After an even first half in Chiajna, the Czechs struck first seven minutes after half-time thanks to Ladislav Krejčí's fierce low shot. Spain, beaten in the 2010 final and seeking a fifth triumph in the competition – which means they would keep the trophy – pressed hard and got their reward in the 85th minute thanks to Jon Aurtenetxe's opportunisti
    kicerlin 9-24
  • 0 @东吴周公瑾 这篇东西你应该会感兴趣
    kicerlin 9-22
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    由于下周一周双赛,因此预先提前招工,希望能尽早准备 本周日00:00 希洪 vs 瓦伦 下周四04:00 瓦伦 vs 宇宙 下周日00:00 塞维 vs 瓦伦 开始进入艰苦赛程了= = 1楼@圣西罗风暴 @维克托费舍尔 @vcflove @喔不告诉你 @蓝帽Saque @A尔贝尔达 @不能飞翔的代价 @mu163 @神棍Guy @清虚7探戈蝙蝠
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    xjj07 2011-09
    @kicerlin 最好@vcflove xjj07不怎么用
    xjj07 9-8
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    Antem1988 9-8
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    @圣西罗风暴 @维克托费舍尔 @xjj07 @喔不告诉你 @蓝帽Saque @A尔贝尔达 @不能飞翔的代价 @mu163 @神棍Guy @清虚7探戈蝙蝠 谁有兴趣?
    kicerlin 9-7
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    part 1: Trust Valencia to waste no time in ruining my health in the first available 90 minutes. But sho, in hindsight it was worth it. Wher
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    Rumours of various players linked with a move to Mestalla were today confirmed as having substance when it was announced that Victor Ruiz ha
    kicerlin 8-31
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    A Turkey singer My love nice voice and handsome looks
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    A VALENTINE STORY Doug Bell John Blanchard stood up from the bench, straightened his Army uniform, and studied the crowd of people making th
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