51、什么是IELTS雅思? IELTS 雅思是International English Language Testing System(国际英语语言测试制度) 的简称。它是为准备进入以英语为主导教学
5But, if this world is not merely a bad joke, life a vulgar flare amid the cool radiance of the stars, and existence an empty laugh braying across the mysteries; if these intimations of a something behind and beyond are not evil humor born of indigestion or whimsies sent by the devil to mock and madden us, if, in a word, beauty means something, yet we must not seek to interpret the meaning. --From New Concept English (Book 4 ) Lesson 29 但是,即使这个世界不仅仅是个拙劣的玩笑,生命不仅仅是星体交织的寒光中的一
0接到用户举报,经核实吧主 必克英语小必 长期未对贴吧进行管理及发言,无法在建设 spiiker 吧内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用,严重违反吧主协议,故撤销其吧主管理权限。如对此项决议有异议,请至贴吧反馈中心进行申诉,链接 http://tieba.baidu.com/hermes/feedback 百度贴吧管理组
1“淡定”——这句我们常常挂在嘴边的说,换英文说的话要要怎样表达呢? 网络释义 Composure calm Equilibrium unruffled Keep your hair on 网络热词“淡定”用英文怎么说?双语例句分享 “如果我要拧断你的脖子,你还能有多淡定?” 里穆尼说道。 “How calm would you stay if I broke your neck?” says Rimney. 淡定点!我们有足够的时间赶到机场。 Keep your hair on! We've got plenty of time to get to the airport. 这是一条有关猫的全
0Bless you! 祝福你! Bottle it! 闭嘴! Don't move! 不许动! Nice save! 漂亮的救场 I'll be in touch! 保持联络! I'll check it out! 我去看看! Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? Can you dig it? 你搞明白了吗? None of your business! 要你管? Don't mention it. 没关系,别客气。 Do you have straw? 你有吸管吗? Time is running out! 没有时间了! We better get going! 最好马上就走! Does it serve your purpose? 对你有用吗?
0learn 的解释是"to gain knowledge or skill by studying",也就是“通过学习获取知识”。 而 study 的解释是 "to read, memorize facts, attend school, etc",也就是“去读,去记,去上学”。 简单说就是,study 只是指学习的一种表象,而 learn 是真正获取到了知识。 当你 study 的时候,只是说有了 study 的动作,并不意味着你学到了很多东西。而当说你 learn 的时候,你是通过 study,掌握了很多知识。 所以就导致有个说法就是, “I studied but I didn’t learn anything”
0如果你丢了5毛钱,你可能会觉得bad,但是遇到跟男朋友分手这种让人想撞墙的事,是不是突然感觉就词穷了,想遍所有熟悉的单词也不知道该怎么说? 心情不好in a bad place 心情很乱pretty dark 极度悲伤feeling messed up
0对于上班族来说,总有一些外语情结--学英语是有用的,扔了可惜,但毕业好几年了,捡又不知从哪儿开始。那么上班族到底该怎样学英语呢?又有什么样的方法和窍门? 大多人学英语是多次放弃、重来;再放弃,再重来。开始都是怀着积极的心态,投入到英语学习的战斗中去。然而,学着学着,就感觉要"坚持"不住了,想要放弃。开始总是找不到解决的办法,为此而郁闷。后来才发现解决这样的问题其实并不难。 如果您想学好英语口语 ,可参考电
0成为一名空中小姐可是很多女孩子的梦想。可是越是在意,在面试的时候也容易紧张。下面是一则空姐面试会话,希望能对你有所帮助。 A-applicant I-interviewer I: You would like to become a stewardess, wouldn't you? A: Yes, I would like to very much. I: What made you decide on this type of occupation? A: Oh, to tell you the truth, I love the sky. When I was a child, I imagined flying into the blue sky some day. Now, I think the day has come. My dream can come true. I: Can you make yourself understood in English without too much difficulty? A: Yes,
0按照惯例,首先还是应该要介绍一下个人情况咯。大小英语(论坛)考试参加多很多,CET-6 (70分),TEM-4(74分),考研(论坛) 英语(75分)。当然啦,还有高考(论坛)什么的,不过那成绩很烂,只有112,嘿嘿~ 让高手见笑啦~ 毕业之后的工作很少需要用到规范的英语,只是平时和朋友聊聊天什么的才会用到,也无非是些hang out的时候常用的生活语言。所以刚一开始准备雅思的时候很发懵,提起笔来完全不知道怎么写。还是羡慕那些正在学校读书的鸭友,在延
0市况上扬: The market advances/ gains /rises. 市况下挫: The market declines /falls/loses 市况活跃: The market booms. 市况暴跌停滞: The market slumps. 市况走势上扬,市况攀升走高:The market tends upward. 市况走势下跌,市况下划走低:The market tends downward. 总结: [动词]上扬情况: The market improves (好转) / picks up (扬升) / hardens (转趋坚俏) / stiffens (坚挺) / revives (复苏) / rebounds (反弹) / regains (恢复) / rallies (重振) . 下跌趋势:The market collapses (崩溃) /
0This report and other recent studies show that online learning, distance learning, and self-learning in general, are not only more convenient, but, in fact, more effective than the classroom, for high school, college and adult learners. In the last decade, the Internet, the MP3 player, the iPhone, and other mobile devices,as well as social networking sites, language exchange communities, online learning systems, university courses online and more, have changed how we deal with knowledge. The walls of academia, and the costs of learning, are crumbling before our eyes and ears. 本篇报道和
0互联网的确为英语学习提供了很多方便,但是互联网的时代也是个信息爆炸的时代,我们到底应该怎么使用互联网来更好的学习英语呢? * 首先要记住,学习
0外贸中各种男装的常用英语词汇西装 Western-style clothes/tailored suit/suit 男装 men's wear; men's suit 男童装 boy's clothes 西装上衣 upper ga
3一、高考英语改错题的题型特点: 高考英语改错题一改传统的单句改错,代之以篇章为单位的短文改错。这不仅要求考生有更高的阅读理解能力,而且迫使考
0I'm just calling to follow up on the status of the Personnel Manager. 我打电话来是想问一下人事经理的招聘情况。 Does it possible for me to kn