0刚买 登陆直接禁止进入游戏 怎么了这是 还不让玩么?
0RT半年不玩人都不见了 点也不知道在哪了
2我想问问这个游戏怎么开垂直同步 或者锁60帧
6固定和平衡的许多游戏声音(石膏,飞溅) 修正了一些动画(旋转和博洛尼亚齿轮的铸造) 钻孔时在环上增加了鱼线吱吱作响的声音 增加了聊天中钓鱼的经验 聊天中玩家昵称的颜色已更改 添加了“笼子里的鱼”选项,当您打开它时,鱼会立即获得,而不会显示捕获情况。 误差修正
1群满了 有人知道官网吗?
1谁有汉化补丁分享我下。谢谢。有群的拉我吧 756841517
8做任务,攒了几十块钱,买了一套路亚。用的那个4块钱的亮片,30速度持续收线,大概每两秒右键一下,比较像钓鱼星球的抽搐手法。有时上鱼很快,有时根本没口,换地方也不行。请问大家有这种问题吗? 或者说,路亚有什么更好的手法能提高上鱼率,请高手指点一下!!
5按F1查看基本控制。 E前往商店。也就是货车,商店,帐篷,汽车。 鱼无处不在。但这并不意味着他们每时每刻都在那里。他们移动。如果你没有被咬伤,你可能在那个部位做了什么错事。准备换鱼饵。如果以上方法都失败了,那就行动吧。 任务(Q)是你需要关注的最重要的事情,如果你想要以一个合适的速度前进的话。找到一个你喜欢的地方,看看你能以最好的速度钓到什么鱼,然后相应地选择任务。你可以很快地把它们敲出来。你可以按住alt键取消
0Fixed and balanced many game sounds (casts, splashes) fixed some animations (casting of spinning and Bologna gear) added sound of squeaking fishing line on the rings when drilling added indication of experience gained for fish in chat the color of the nicknames of the players in the chat has been changed Added the option "fish in the cage", when you turn it on, the fish immediately gets, without demonstrating the catch. Error correction 固定和平衡的许多游戏声音(石膏,飞溅) 修正了一些动画(旋转和博洛尼亚齿轮的铸造) 钻孔时在环上增加了
2基本操作 以后补充
0Optimizing the of the Pra River Added daily assignments to Italy and Poland bases Changes in water rendering, now the water color depends on the time of day Changes in the morning mist renderer. Changed fish shader. Now the fish do not look plastic Changes in floats rendering. Now floats do not blink The floatrod is lowered in the direction of the gaze The drop slider is slowed down by 25%. Fix Errors correction 普拉河优化 增加了意大利和波兰基地的日常任务 水渲染的变化,现在水的颜色取决于一天中的时间 晨雾渲染器中的更改。 已更改鱼着色器
0Error correction on the maps of Poland, Italy, Russia Location optimization Poland. san river Added FPS lock on 30 (in setting window) Fixed bug with hitting a boat on a float Fixed bug with unscaled task window for large monitors Fixed a bug with the experience of golden trout 波兰、意大利、俄罗斯地图的误差修正 波兰位置优化三河 在30上添加了FPS锁定(在设置窗口中) 修正了在漂浮物上撞船的错误 修复了大型监视器的任务窗口未缩放的错误 用金鳟鱼的经验修正了一个虫子
0Fixed quests in Ukraine and France All trouts are stronger Trout cost revised Fixed errors with scaling the interface on large monitors Opened fishing base Poland, accessible from level 15 (test not optimized) A new Light class spinning rod has been added to a store in Poland. Recommended for relaxation when fishing for trout.Not recommended for farm Jitter the blang of feeders DeepStream fixed Reduced mollusks biting on a spinning rod 在乌克兰和法国的固定任务 所有鳟鱼都更强壮 鳟鱼费用修订 修复了在大型显示器上缩放接口时出现的错误 波兰开放的钓
0Sturgeon cost increased Asp cost increased Germany is available from level 5 Leash for feeders are optional The ability to install clips is temporarily disabled 17 kg leash added to the store Added the ability to scale the game interface for large monitors in the settings Work on bugs
0Sturgeon cost increased Asp cost increased Germany is available from level 5 Leash for feeders are optional The ability to install clips is temporarily disabled 17 kg leash added to the store Added the ability to scale the game interface for large monitors in the settings Work on bugs urge鱼成本增加 ASP成本增加 德国的级别为5 供料器的皮带是可选的 临时安装剪辑的功能被禁用 商店增加了17公斤的皮带 在设置中增加了为大型显示器缩放游戏界面的功能 处理错误