Not too long after Kensei and his friends became Visoreds and stay on Earth...
Kensei was still really pissed off by the whole things that had happened to them and himself being betrayed by his subordinates.
He lived in anger since then.
The only person who's being too cheerful, Mashiro-chan. She talks non-stop happily and was really annoying to Kensei who concentrated on his training in order to get stronger for revenge.
Mashiro : Kenseeeeei~~ Look, the cherry blossoms are bloooooming !!!
Kensei : ....*no response
Mashiro : Heeeey, let's go take a loooook !
Kensei : ...
Mashiro : Heeeeeey, do you hear meeee !?
Kensei : ....i've got no mood for that
Mashiro : ...Geeeez, Kensei you meanieeee!!
Kensei : Be QUIET ! Leave me alone, just go out by yourself to see those stupid flowers !! Don't disturb my training !!
Mashiro : Noooo~~ I want to go with You ! Accompany me, Kensei !! Keeeeenseeii~~~~
Kensei : YOU F----
*before Kensei finished his line, Mashiro had jumped and landed on his shoulder, being piggybacked by this huge guy
Mashiro : Okaaaay, let's go, Keeensei~~~
Kensei : Tch, YOU---
Mashiro : I'm having my stroll and you're having your training this way, right !? We're killing two birds with a stone ^^ You need to train happily, Kensei !!!
Kensei : .....! ....i'm surprised you could make some senses.... *showed his brief smile
Kensei : Alright, alright, how annoying...
Mashiro: Yaaaay ~~~
Mashiro might be acting overly childish, but it could somehow calm Kensei's enraged heart.