2011年6月,Stephen和他的乐队MMII发行了Delta-9,特别值得注意的是Stephen担任了主唱。MMII的配图上包含了一个三角形和它右上边的数字9。可以推断出这首歌的歌名是由从毒。。品中提取作用于精神的化合物的名字构成的,该标志被置于冥王星的标志上。在本歌开头,可以听到"This is the planet Pluto,the ninth planet from the sun."的句子。 参与唱片目录 MM&tSK: The Raw Boned Psalms (1989) The Beaver Meat Cleaver Beat (1990) Big Black Bus (1990) Grist-o-Line (1990) Lunchbox (1991) After School Special (1991) Live As Hell (1992) The Family Jams (1992) Lunchboxes&Choklit Cows (2004) MM: Protrait of an American Family (1994) Smell Like Children (1995) Antichrist Superstar (1996) Remix & Repent (1997) Mechanical Animals (1998) The Last Tour On Earth (1999) Holy Wood (2000) The Golden Age of Grotesque (2003) Lest We Forget (2004)