Title: untitled
Author: sentential
Character/Ship: Jon/Robb, also featuring Sam.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing, I spoil nothing.
Notes: Written in response to teamchanada's prompt Modern college!AU (because every fandom should have one!) at stark_n_snow's prompt meme. Probably strayed a little far from the prompt when I went for Oxford colleges, not US-style ones though. Also, took definite liberties with Trinity College & probably a few other setting elements because I’ve actually only spent a limited amount of time in Oxford. 1224 words
Summary: AU. Jon & Robb at Oxford. Jon decides to pay his brother a late night visit.
Author: sentential
Character/Ship: Jon/Robb, also featuring Sam.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing, I spoil nothing.
Notes: Written in response to teamchanada's prompt Modern college!AU (because every fandom should have one!) at stark_n_snow's prompt meme. Probably strayed a little far from the prompt when I went for Oxford colleges, not US-style ones though. Also, took definite liberties with Trinity College & probably a few other setting elements because I’ve actually only spent a limited amount of time in Oxford. 1224 words
Summary: AU. Jon & Robb at Oxford. Jon decides to pay his brother a late night visit.