Noorway and Canada have a new kind of tourisme. Killing baby seals!!!! They call it 'hunting' and it's a sport!! 挪威和加拿大有一种新的旅游方式:猎杀小海豹!他们把这个叫做狩猎。而且是运动的一种。
I know these images seem painful for you, but we feel the pain...!! We are being slaughtered by ruthless people and it's going on RIGHT NOW...!!! 我知道这些图片看起来不好受,可是对我们来说是切肤之痛! 我们正在被残忍的人们大屠杀!!!
You can't just ignore these images..!! Keep silent and doing nothing makes you guilty.....!! 你不能不在乎这些图片!!如果你保持沉默,什么事也不做,那你就和那些人一样有错!! Please help us...!! 拜托救救我们!!