战时每年的主要创作歌曲 w. = 词作者 m. = 曲作者 1861 The First Gun is Fired, w.m. George F. Root The Bonnie Blue Flag, w. Mrs Annie Chamber-Ketchum m. Harry MacCarthy I'm Going Home to Dixie, w. Dan Emmett a. C. S. Grafully John Brown's Body, w. anonymous m. William Steffe Maryland, My Maryland, w. James Ryder Randall m. Walter de Mapers The Vacant Chair, w. Henry S. Washburne m. George Frederick Root 1862 Here's Your Mule, - C. D. Benson Battle Cry of Freedom, - George F. Root 1863 All Quiet On The Potomac Tonight, w.m. John Hill Hewitt Just Before the Battle, Mother, by George F. Root Mother Would Comfort Me, w.m. Charles C. Sawyer Tenting on the Old Camp Ground, w.m. Walter Kittredge Weeping Sad And Lonely, w. Charles Carroll Sawyer m. Henry Tucker When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again, by Louis Lambert & Patrick Gilmore You Are Going to the Wars, Willie Boy!, w.m. John Hill Hewitt The Young Volunteer, w.m. John Hill Hewitt 1864 Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! (The Boys Are Marching), w.m. George F. Root 1865 Jeff in Pettycoats, w.m. Henry Tucker Marching Through Georgia, w.m. Henry Clay Work
名字叫:THE BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC 这首《The Battle Hymn of the Republic》的曲调又源于战前的1855年,William Steffe所创作的布道歌曲。借着战争中为诸多人传唱,于是广为流传。全球百多年来根据其曲调改填新词的歌曲多如牛毛。此曲据说是林肯生平最喜欢的歌曲 。 啊,有点混乱了。期待有高手来理顺。