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Mechanical Engineering Lecture


Me have absolutely no freaking idea why the professor has to review and refresh so excessively on the fundamental of vectors in spherical coordinates. Isn't this already covered in the prerequisite courses of mech. eng.?
What a waste of time.....

来自iPhone客户端1楼2012-01-06 21:50回复
    回复2楼:It really pisses me off, since me have to wake up early to attend this seemingly essential course for eng.!

    来自iPhone客户端3楼2012-01-06 21:53
      lectures aren't usually compulsory are they?

      4楼2012-01-06 21:54
        回复4楼:no, totally up to you, and no attendance will be recorded. me came for me feel the need of learning new ideas, but was greatly disappointed....

        来自iPhone客户端5楼2012-01-06 21:56
          don't they publish the lecture notes online? could have had a look there before you went :D

          7楼2012-01-06 21:57
            回复6楼:me'd rather skip it and play basketball if this goes on

            来自iPhone客户端8楼2012-01-06 21:57
              回复7楼:not for this course though. the dr. carries it out according to his book. me've ordered that book on amazon, waiting for the delivery as for now

              来自iPhone客户端10楼2012-01-06 21:59
                回复9楼:guess you can still work on your dribbling with a bad toe.. wish you good health

                来自iPhone客户端11楼2012-01-06 22:01
                  right... although having said that, i hate reading textbooks / lecture notes and would much rather sit in a pointless lecture for an hour than toil through the book myself. he's got to move on to new material at some point
                  are you in the us?

                  12楼2012-01-06 22:02

                    来自iPhone客户端14楼2012-01-06 22:04