You: r u upset
You: i'm very upset now
Stranger: yes.. wanna make up sex?
You: why not?
Stranger: asl?
You: 15f
Stranger: 15 f
You: ya
Stranger: me too
You: really?
Stranger: yes
You: i can't balieve it
Stranger: y?
Stranger: where are u from?
You: u r so young
You: China
Stranger: and u so old..
Stranger: so u wanna make up sex or not?
You: Let's make it together
Stranger: just 2? i was planning 4
Stranger: i have one more
You: It's up to you
Stranger: im agree for 4+ no less
You: ah..
Stranger: u want to?
You: and then?
Stranger: my goal in life was achives
You: But we don't have a hard dick !
Stranger: i have one guy.. u have gay?
You: no
You: can you borrow me ?
Stranger: so i'll search for someone in the web
Stranger: all day all night
You: ok
Stranger: u want to come to israel to do that or we will meet in the middle
Stranger: ?
You: Do u make up sex every day?
You: there is so far
Stranger: no just with chinese cus they hot and they know it...
Stranger: lmfao
Stranger: u agree in austrlia?
You: r u rich?
Stranger: im know the right people
Stranger: yes
You: perfect
Stranger: i have ferrari with tight driver
Stranger: go f**** in hell a mother****er that wanna lesbian sex web!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1