mugen吧 关注:79,366贴子:1,495,078
  • 3回复贴,共1




[Statedef 900]
type = S
ctrl = 0
anim = 900
velset = 0,0
movetype = I
physics = N
sprpriority = 1
poweradd = -1000
[State 00];
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 =animelem = 1
value = f900,0
[state a]
type = varset
trigger1 = time= 0
v = 20
value = 900
[State a]
type = Explod
trigger1 =animelem = 1
anim = f6001
sprpriority = 3
postype = p1
pos = 5,-120
bindtime = 1
under = 0
ownpal = 1
supermovetime =999
[State 1020, 4]
type = EnvShake
trigger1 =animelem = 1
time = 10
ampl = -5
freq = 95
phase = 95
[State 195, 2]
type =ChangeState
trigger1 =AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1

IP属地:广东1楼2012-03-04 20:12回复

    IP属地:重庆2楼2012-03-04 20:23
      ---------------------#AfterImage(残影) ------------------------
      Enables player afterimage effects. The character's frames are stored in a history buffer, and are displayed after a delay as afterimages.
      Required parameters: none
      必选参数: 无
      Optional parameters: 可选参数:
      time = duration (int) Specifies the number of ticks that the afterimages should be displayed for. Defaults to 1.
      time length = no_of_frames (int) Sets the capacity of the frame history buffer. The history will hold up to no_of_frames of the character's most recently saved frames. Assuming constant values for timegap and framegap, increasing the length can increase the number and "age" (for lack of a better term) of afterimages displayed at one time. The maximum length is 60, and the default is 20.
      设置画面历史缓冲的容量。缓冲将持续no_of_frames幅该人物最近保存的 画面。◎增大length(长度)能增加残影显示一次的数量和“寿命”(没 有更好的术语)。最大length值时60,缺省是20。
      palcolor = col (int) palinvertall = invertall (bool) palbright = add_r, add_g, add_b (int) palcontrast = mul_r, mul_g, mul_b (int) palpostbright = add2_r, add2_g, add2_b (int) These parameters determine palette effects to be applied to all afterimages. First the color level is adjusted according to the palcolor value, then if invertall is non-zero the colors are inverted. Afterwards, the palbright components are added to the corresponding component of the player's palette, then each component is multiplied by the corresponding palcontrast component divided by 256, then the palpostbright components are added to the result. The value of palcolor ranges from 0 (greyscale) to 256 (normal color). For instance, if the red component of the character's palette is denoted pal_r, then the red component of the afterimage palette is given by (pal_r+add_r)*mul_r/256 + add2_r, assuming palcolor and palinvert are left at their default values. Valid values are 0-256 for palcolor, 0-255 for palbright and palpostbright components, and any non-negative integer for palcontrast components.
      这些参数确定应用于所有残影的调色板效果。首先颜色级别根据palcolor 的值调整,如果invertall(应该是palinvertall?)是非0那么颜色将被 反转。然后,palbright成分将加到游戏者调色板相应的成分,每个成分 乘以相应的palcontrast成分除以256,再将palpostbright成分加到结果 中。palcolor的值域为从0(暗)到256(亮)。例如,如果人物调色板的 红色成分表示为pal_r,并假设palcolor和palinvert为缺省值,那么残影 调色板的红色成分由(pal_r+add_r)*mul_r/256 + add2_r给出。palcolor 的有效值为0到256,palbright和palpostbright成分为0到255,palcontrast 可以为任何非负整数。
      The defaults are 缺省值为 palcolor = 256 palinvertall = 0 palbright = 30,30,30 palcontrast = 120,120,220 palpostbright = 0,0,0
      paladd = add_r, add_g, add_b (int) palmul = mul_r, mul_g, mul_b (float) These parameters specify palette effects that are applied repeatedly to successive frames in the afterimage. In one application of these palette effects, first the paladd components are added to the afterimage palette, then the components are multiplied by the palmul multipliers. These effects are applied zero times to the most recent afterimage frame, once to the second-newest afterimage frame, twice in succession to the third-newest afterimage frame, etc. Valid values are 0-255 for the paladd components, and any non- negative float value for the palmul multipliers. The defaults are paladd = 10,10,25 palmul = .65,.65,.75 这些参数指定重复应用于残影中连续画面的调色板效果。在这些调色板 效果的应用中,首先是paladd成分被加到残影调色板,然后该成分乘以 palmul乘数。这些效果被0次应用到最新的残影画面,1次应用到第二新 的残影画面,2次应用到第三新的残影画面,等等。 paladd成分的有效值为0-255,palmul乘数可以为任何浮点小数值。缺省 值为 paladd = 10,10,25 palmul = .65,.65,.75
      timegap = value (int) This parameter controls how many frames to skip between saving player frames to the history buffer for afterimage display. The default is 1 (skip no frames). To save every third frame (for example), you would use timegap = 3.
      该参数控制残影显示中跳过保存游戏者画面到历史缓冲的画面数。缺省 值是1(不跳过画面)。为使得每三幅画面保存一次(举例),你应该用 timegap = 3。
      framegap = value (int) Every value'th frame in the history buffer will be displayed as an afterimage. For instance, if framegap = 4 (the default), then the first, fifth, ninth, ... frames of the history buffer will be displayed as afterimages.
      历史缓冲中每第value幅画面将显示为残影。例如,如果framegap = 4(缺省), 那么,历史缓冲中的第1、5、9、……幅画面将被显示为残影。
      trans = type (string) Specifies the transparency type for the afterimages. Valid types are "none" for an opaque afterimage, "add", "add1", and "sub".
      指定残影的透明类型。有效类型包括“none”为不透明残影、“add”, “add1”和“sub”。

      IP属地:上海3楼2012-03-04 20:25

        爆气后为人物加颜色可以用type = Palfx,
        [state 333]
        Type = palfx
        Trigger1 = …;爆气
        Add = xx,yy,zz;代表加颜色
        Time = aa;时间
        [state 333]
        Type = palfx
        Trigger1 =gametime%2= 0
        Add = xx,yy,zz;代表加颜色
        Time = 1

        IP属地:中国台湾4楼2012-03-04 20:45