这篇访谈最让我感怀的倒不是gay不gay的问题,而是魔法特说的那段话。昨晚翻译得有点仓促,今天再重新译一下: 关于福尔摩斯的性向,魔法特说:“当然,你可以玩这些改写歇洛克·福尔摩斯的游戏,你可以在你的文章里,把他随意写成同性恋或无性者,但那不是原著的精神。由于原著是史上对福尔摩斯最成功的描述,或许你们应该停止写那些东西了。” "Now, you can play the games of rewriting Sherlock Holmes and say he's a repressed homosexual or asexual or whatever you want, but that's not what was on the page. Since the original is the most successful fictional character in the history of everything, maybe you should stop trying to improve it."