Golden Age Of Grotesque时期的乐队告别了以往夸张或中性的造形,开始向绅士般的华贵风格靠拢。而Marilyn Manson曾表示专辑Golden Age Of Grotesque的背景来自三十年代的好莱坞风华、也受到战后柏林的达达主义影响。在音乐方面Golden Age Of Grotesque被乐迷喻为Marilyn Manson最“流行”的作品,受到达达主义影响的这张专辑变得旋律化的同时却更形戏剧化,节奏显得怪诞而急促。 Marilyn Manson如此谈及这张专辑与德国文化的关系:“我将艺术与堕落作类比,30年代的柏林,处理事情都有很不错的观点,一些伟大的事情就这样被创造出来,这些伟大的事情遭受到邪恶、忌妒与保守势力的冲击,相同的状况也在美国发生,还连续发生很多次,就发生在艺术跟我身上。关系之间也会发生这种状况,大家想要改变你,把你变成另外一个人,这就是这张专辑所触及的,这张唱片处处充满狠劲,感觉就像是重生。”
序:大多数人都讨厌狗仔队,叔也不例外。这首歌里的two evils指的就是狗仔队和2B们吧。 想表达的意思:狗仔队和2B们都去死。 Haters call me bitch 2B们叫我表子 Call me faggot call me whitey 说我是搞基的白人 But I am something that you'll never be 但我是你们无可比拟的! (Hey) I won't look prettier if I smile for the picture 别TM拍照,老子不上镜 Mother****ers never liked me then and they Sure won't like me now 无法理解的人永远不会喜欢我 Don't try to drag me down with your cliche 别试图把我拖进你们陈腐的思想 Your fake grin fits your faker face 虚伪的笑,虚伪的脸 But I find all my pleasure in your misery 我最大的乐趣就是揭露你们的可悲 Yeah 耶~ I will step on you on my way up 我会踩着你们上天 And I will step on you on my way down 我会踩着你们落下 I will step on you on my way up 我会踩着你们上天 And I will step on you on my way down 我会踩着你们落下 Haters call me bitch 2B们叫我表子 Call faggot call me whitey 说我是搞基的白人 But I am something that you'll never be 但我是你们无可比拟的! (Hey) Haters call me bitch 2B们叫我婊子 Call me faggot call me whitey 说我是搞基的白人 But I am something that you'll never be 但我是你们无可比拟的! (Hey) I'll be your scapegoat, I'll be your saviour 我将拯救你们于无知 I'm the better of two evils 我是你们无法比拟的 I'm the better of two evils (yeah yeah yeah) 我是你们无法比拟的 I want to hang all you cattle With your VELVET ROPE, 制成用天鹅绒制的绳索 Mother****ers step up and get into An orderly line. 见人们排着队上套 I'll show you how to make a muscle: 我会展示给你们真正的力量 It takes less strength to grin than It does to spit on all you 这比往你们脸上吐唾沫实际多了 Paparazzinazis 狗仔队们 Yeah I will step on you on my way up 我会踩着你们上天 I'll ****ing step on you on my way down 我会踩着你们落下 Haters call me bitch 2B们叫我表子 Call me faggot call me whitey 说我是搞基的白人 But I am something that you'll never be 但我是你们无可比拟的! (Hey) Haters call me bitch 2B们叫我表子 Call me faggot call me whitey 说我是搞基的白人 But I am something that you'll never be 但我是你们无可比拟的! (Hey) I'll be your scapegoat, I'll be your saviour 我将拯救你们于无知 I'm the better of two evils 我是你们无法比拟的 I'm the better of two evils (yeah yeah yeah) 我是你们无法比拟的 Don't try to lead me to temptation 别想勾引我 Don't try to lead me to temptation 别想诱惑我 Don't try to lead me to temptation 别想陷害我 Don't try to lead me to temptation 别想控制我 I've been delivered and I already know the way 我的路不是你们所能决定的 Haters call me bitch 2B们叫我表子 Call me faggot call me whitey 说我是搞基的白人 But I am something that you'll never be 但我是你们无可比拟的! (Hey) Haters call me bitch 2B们叫我表子 Call me faggot call me whitey 说我是搞基的白人 But I am something that you'll never be 但我是你们无可比拟的! (Hey) I'll be your scapegoat, I'll be your saviour 我将拯救你们于无知 I'm the better of two evils 我是你们无法比拟的 I'm the better of two evils (yeah yeah yeah) 我是你们无法比拟的
Left Channel: This is the Golden Age of Grotesque, 这是怪诞艺术的黄金时期 Be prepared for what you may find. 睁大双眼,不然你可能会错过一些意想不到的东西 The hole we have to **** her. They taste tension because it is their life. 女人的木耳尝起来口味很重,因为她们以此为生 Chrome Complimental. Stop Looking for Ourselves. 赞美和恭维会阻止我们追求自我的脚步 Bored towards Most of It. We have grown to complain. 一度心中萌生了抱怨,厌倦了追求 The hole we Have to **** her. I'm still captive, hide in the distortion. 沉迷于欲望,来解释这扭曲的现实 Its a shame im still expected to waves. 我不断的召妓 Though We have no disgruntled. We are lower girls. 尽管生理上已经得到满足 Man girls good evening. 男女一起享受这美好的夜晚 Nothing is More propaganda than the world. 世界上没有什么比流言更具攻击性 Tired of them stabbing. 厌倦了被攻击 I am a reverof forever but still I am a door to all of the worst who are jittery. 从我身上你可以看出不安 Crazy people pretend me to not give a ****. 疯狂的人们以为我们不会还击 And we are made of a dry contact, without the people we aren't alive. 我们只是因为必须生活在这方浑水里罢了 We are cows scraping up our genitals, we saved our best milk. 我们就如奶牛,为你们提供我最好的音乐 Propaganda is not done. 攻击却从未停止 Break Down Me. 几近让我崩溃 Then the faces will evolve. 不理解的人会越来越多 Lets just see the only child. 但还有一个孩子在等待着我 The bored are to be of devoured, but not you. 他会欣赏我的音乐,而你这种人是做不到的 Right Channel: Lets see what we will bring. 回首我给你们带来的 We will HIDE. 里面的内涵 We have grown just to die. 我们为死而生 Does it? 不是吗? Their propaganda is not Heavy. 相对于死亡来说,这攻击不算沉重 I have grown bored with their best milk. 我鄙视了他们所谓的好音乐 Evolve. Contact them. Complimental. Tell them to hide. 渐渐的接触他们,告诉他们如何拥有意蕴 Bored out of this world. No one will answer us. 厌倦了这个世界,因为无人能理解我 Girls. 你是说女人?不,她们只是玩具而已 No one is more abnormal or unimportant than, like them. 没人比她们更变态更低微 I tried, i ****ed them still. 我仍试着用性给她们开开窍 No more establishing. Bored. 无聊还在持续 Don't accept them. About Our life. 只是玩玩而已 Chrome. Bite their bullet. There is fresh something. 新的攻击会接踵而至 But all i'm trying to do. Is about their lifestyle is ****ed. 我还在试着了解他们的生活方式 Without those people we grow disgruntled. 我需要这些人来满足我的欲望 Propaganda has always worked. They are very dull. 无聊的人还在攻击着 I expected their lives. Girls. 我想要女人 There has to be something… 总该,有点东西让我清醒了
序:这首应该是描述一位。。憎恨女人的人。 The beauty spot was borrowed and 美丽的间谍已被送至 Now my sweet knife rusts tomorrow . 我心爱的匕首等待着鲜血 I'm a confession that is waiting to be heard. 这是一段告白,等待着听众 Burn your empty rain down on me 尽情向我倾泻你的眼泪 Whisper your deathbeat so softly 然后我将在你耳边轻声倒数 We bend our knees 弯下膝 At the altar of my ego 捧起我可怜的自尊 You drained my heart And made a spade 你伤透了我的心 But there's still traces of me in your veins 可我仍对你念念不忘 You drained my heart And made a spade 你偷去了我的所有 But there's still traces of me in your veins 血脉里还存在一根缰绳死死的控制着我! All my lilies' mouths are open 我的小萝莉们痴痴的张着嘴 Like they're begging for dope And hoping 是在向上帝祈求希望?还是在向我讨要麻药? Their bitter petal chant, 苦涩的味道... "We can kick , you won't be back." 一动不动真可爱 I'm a diamond that is tired Of all the faces I've acquired 我不是为杀死她们而杀死她们 We must secure the shadow 只是给她们找个更安全的位置 Ere the substance fades 在腐烂之前,好好收藏起来 You drained my heart And made a spade 你伤透了我的心 But there's still traces of me in your veins 可我仍对你念念不忘 You drained my heart And made a spade 你偷去了我的所有 But there's still traces of me in your veins 血脉里还存在一根缰绳死死的控制着我! And we said 'til we die 我会继续这项神圣的工作 And we said 'til we die 直到我的末日
序:这首歌里有两派:Blue Collar(蓝领派)象征着统治阶级和Black Collar(被压迫的阶级),和专有名词可能有点出入,凑合着看吧。 想要表达的意思:鼓励被压迫者,用实际行动反抗而不是耍嘴皮子。 I am overground and Out-selling IT. 我地位卑微! Since God thinks I don't exist 就连“仁慈的”上帝也无视我们的! The Beatings happen Per Minute 炽热的心每分每秒都在跳动,不甘平凡! This is not Blue-collar-white-corrective politics 这不是你们独裁的时代! I'm on a HATE AMERICAN STYLE Kick. 吃我一记美式飞踢,从上面滚下来! This is the black collar song 这是反抗者的宣言! Put it in your middle finger and sing along 竖起中指跟我一起唱! Use your fist and not your mouth 耍嘴皮子不如站起来反抗! (come on, come on) 反抗!反抗! This is the black collar song 这是反抗者的战歌! Put it in your middle finger and sing along 竖起中指跟我一起唱! Use your fist and not your mouth 耍嘴皮子不如站起来反抗! (come on, come on) 反抗!反抗! I'm on a campaign for pain 这是一场给你们带来沉痛教训的战役! And when I get elected 当我们胜利之时! I'll wipe the white off your house 我会收回你的权利! The smile off your face 抹去你的贱笑! This is the black collar song 这是反抗者的宣言! Put it in your middle finger and sing along 竖起中指跟我一起唱! Use your fist and not your mouth 耍嘴皮子不如站起来反抗! (come on, come on) 反抗!反抗! This is the black collar song 这是反抗者的战歌! Put it in your middle finger and sing along 竖起中指跟我一起唱! Use your fist and not your mouth 耍嘴皮子不如站起来反抗! (come on, come on) 反抗!反抗! I woke up today and wished for tomorrow 我曾日夜指望着你们这些统治者能给我们带来幸福生活! I don't want to be like anyone else 沉迷于你所谓的幻想,不想有别的思想! I woke up today and wished for tomorrow 我曾为此辗转反侧! I don't want to even be myself 几近失去自己的思想! I said, no, this isn't your song 现在!我站起来反抗! We can't all get along It's too hard to hold hands when Your hand's a fist 因为当你挥拳相向的时候,我们已水火不容! My hate-pop won't ever stop 我的恨意无法熄灭! I'm ****ing glad we're different 我非常乐意摆脱你这废物! This is my HATE AMERICAN STYLE Hit. 再吃我一记美式飞踢! Don't bring, don't sing it 别逃跑!别求饶! Use your fist and not your mouth. 耍嘴皮子不如站起来反抗! This is the black collar song 这是反抗者的宣言! Put it in your middle finger and sing along 竖起中指跟我一起唱! Use your fist and not your mouth 耍嘴皮子不如站起来反抗! (come on, come on) 反抗!反抗! This is the black collar song 这是反抗者的战歌! Put it in your middle finger and sing along 竖起中指跟我一起唱! Use your fist and not your mouth 耍嘴皮子不如站起来反抗! (come on, come on) 反抗!反抗! I woke up today and wished for tomorrow 我曾日夜指望着你们这些统治者能给我们带来幸福生活! I don't want to be like anyone else 沉迷于你所谓的幻想,不想有别的思想! I woke up today and wished for tomorrow 我曾为此辗转反侧! I don't want to even be myself 几近失去自己的思想!
序:每个人都纯洁的爱过,可如果爱上不纯洁的人。。。那就无法再拥有纯洁的爱。我自己吧,当初看错人,现在,不好怎么去爱了。 想要表达的意思:恋爱有风险,出手需谨慎。花有重开时,人无再少年。 Sometimes I feel I’ve got to 过去,我常有些许莫名的冲动 Run away I’ve got to 逃离的冲动 Get away From the pain that you drive into the heart of me 逃离你给我带来的伤害 The love we share 我们的爱 Seems to go nowhere 早已无路可走 And I’ve lost my light 为你我失去了往日的光辉 For I toss and turn I can’t sleep at night 辗转反侧无法入睡 Once I ran to you (I ran) 我曾不顾一切的追求你 Now I’ll run from you 现在我将摆脱你 This tainted love you’ve given 你给的爱污浊不堪 I give you all a boy could give you 我却给了你我能给的一切 Take my tears and that’s not nearly all 难道眼泪能诠释你给的伤痛吗? Oh...tainted love 不洁之爱 Tainted love 不洁之爱 Now I know I’ve got to Run away I’ve got to Get away 如今我已逃离你身旁 You don’t really want any more from me To make things right 你也已把我榨干,再也不需要我 You need someone to hold you tight 你需要有人陪你玩刺激的爱情游戏 And you think love is to pray 你认为爱是投机游戏 But I’m sorry I don’t pray that way 抱歉,我认真的很 Once I ran to you (I ran) 我曾不顾一切的追求你(如飞蛾扑火) Now I’ll run from you 现在我要狠狠的丢下你 This tainted love you’ve given I give you all a boy could give you Take my tears and that’s not nearly all Oh...tainted love Tainted love 我还时时痛心,我用所有,换来的仅是不洁之爱 Don’t touch me please 给我滚开! I cannot stand the way you tease 我不是任你玩弄的玩偶 I love you though you hurt me so 曾经你伤我至此我仍爱你 Now I’m going to pack my things and go 现在我要带走给你的一切,还要让你一无所有 Tainted love, tainted love (x2) Touch me baby, tainted love (x2) Tainted love (x3) 享受一下,我回报给你的不洁之爱
序:你以为你们高贵,我是看重了你们可怜的内涵?别傻了,你们只是玩具而已。 想表达的意思:某些女人,别太自重。 I'll pretend that I want you for what is on the inside 我会假装看重的是你的内涵 But when I get inside I'll just want to get out 但你的内在实在有让人想溜号的冲动 I'm your first and last deposit through sickness and in hell 我是你第一个也是最后一个男人 I'll never you promise you a garden, you'll just water me down 你这点虚情假意永远别指望我真心对待 I can't believe that you are for real 我真无法相信这就是你所谓的真心 I don't care as long as you're mine 倘若你不是我的玩具我是不会介意的,可玩了,总得护着 When I said we 当我说想做时 you know I meant me and 你很清楚我只是想用你取乐 When I said sweet 我说你甜美 I meant dirty (hey, hey) 其实,我是嫌你太脏 When I said we 当我说想做时 you know I meant me and 你很清楚我只是想用你取乐 When I said sweet 我说你甜美 I meant dirty (hey, hey) 其实,我是嫌你太脏 I'm unsafe, unsafe 我没有安全感 I won't repent and so 就算这样也别妄想我会忏悔 I memorize the words to the ****o movies It's the only thing I want to believe I memorize the words to the ****o movies This is a new religion to me 色情是我唯一的信仰 I'm a VCR funeral of Dead memory waste and 我是一台黑色记忆的放映机 My smile is a chainlink fence that I have put up 我的笑像商人一样卑贱,可又不得不挂起 Love the enemy, my love is the enemy 感谢见人 They say they don't want fame But they get famous When we **** 妄想出名的她们,因我的性趣而名声大跌 When I said we 当我说想做时 you know I meant me and 你很清楚我只是想用你取乐 When I said sweet 我说你甜美 I meant dirty (hey, hey) 其实,我是嫌你太脏 When I said we 当我说想做时 you know I meant me and 你很清楚我只是想用你取乐 When I said sweet 我说你甜美 I meant dirty (hey, hey) 其实,我是嫌你太脏 I'm unsafe, unsafe 我没有安全感 I won't repent and so 就算这样也别妄想我会忏悔 I memorize the words to the ****o movies It's the only thing I want to believe I memorize the words to the ****o movies This is a new religion to me 色情是我唯一的信仰 I never believed the devil was real But god couldn't make someone filthy as you 我从不相信世上有恶魔,但没有人比你更恶了 When I said we 当我说想做时 you know I meant me and 你很清楚我只是想用你取乐 When I said sweet 我说你甜美 I meant dirty (hey, hey) 其实,我是嫌你太脏 When I said we 当我说想做时 you know I meant me and 你很清楚我只是想用你取乐 When I said sweet 我说你甜美 I meant dirty (hey, hey) 其实,我是嫌你太脏 You are the church 你是凹 I am the steeple 我是凸 When we **** 当我们赤裸相见的时候 We're all god's people 我们都是上帝的好孩子 You are the church 你是受 I am the steeple 我是攻 When we **** 当我们赤裸相见的时候 We're all god's people 我们都是上帝的好孩子
序:这首是这张专辑里我最喜欢的,讲的是女人**的理由。里面曼森的嘶吼,吼的我心都碎了。各位看看能对上多少条吧。 女: I'd fvck you because you are famous 我和你做是因为你有名 I'd fvck you for your money 我和你做是为了钱 I'd fvck you to control you 我和你做是为了控制你 I'd fvck you so someday I can have half of everything you own 我和你做是为了分去你的一半 I'd fvck you to fvck you over 甚至全部 I'd fvck you until I find someone better 我和你做是因为我还没有找到更好的 Then fvck you in secret 所以我秘密的和你做 I'd fvck you because I can't remember if I'd already fvcked you before 我和你做是因为做完后我就会把你彻底遗忘 I'd fvck you out of boredom 我和你走是出于无聊 I'd fvck you because I can't feel anything anyways 我和你做是因为我已麻木 I'd fvck you to make the pain go away 我和你做是为了赶走伤痛 男: fvck you because I loved you 我和你做是因为我爱你 fvck you for loving it, too 虽然也有欲望的成分 I don't need a reason to hate you the way I do 恨需要理由吗? fvck you because I loved you 和你做是因为爱你 fvck you for loving it, too 尽管有欲望的成分,可主要是因为我爱你 I don't need a reason to hate you the way I do 恨需要理由吗? Hate you the way I do 我以自己的方式恨你 Hate you the way I do 我开始恨自己 Hate you the way I do 我开始恨自己 Hate you the way I do 是因为舍不得恨你 女: I'd fvck you so I could feel something instead of nothing at all 我和你做是因为在你那能感受到一点点温暖 I'd fvck you because you are beautiful 我和你做是因为你好看 I'd fvck you because you are my nigger 我和你做是因为你会成为我的奴隶 I'd fvck you because I am your whore 我和你做是因为我是** I'd fvck you for fun 我和你做是为了取乐 I'd fvck you because I can't 我和你做是因为我无法自立谋生 I'd fvck you so I have a place to stay 我和你做所以你会给我提供庇护所 I'd fvck you so you will protect me 我和你做所以你会保护我 男: fvck you because I loved you 我和你做是因为我爱你 fvck you for loving it, too 虽然也有欲望的成分 I don't need a reason to hate you the way I do 恨需要理由吗? fvck you because I loved you 和你做是因为爱你 fvck you for loving it, too 尽管有欲望的成分,可主要是因为我爱你 I don't need a reason to hate you the way I do 恨需要理由吗? Hate you the way I do 我以自己的方式恨你 Hate you the way I do 我开始恨自己 Hate you the way I do 我开始恨自己 Hate you the way I do 是因为舍不得恨你