The comments on the movie
Well, I just got in from seeing the film version of "Phantom." I have to say that I have seen the stage production and loved much of the music but found the book quite poor. HOWEVER, I must admit that the movie...well I found it wonderfully done. The quality of the voices, acting, the overly large sets. Anyone who has been to the Pairs Opera house knows of the abundant sizes of everything there. The film caught all of that as well as the mood of the period. The wigs, costumes, and I must say BUTLER was in my opinon the best Phantom....for only one reason. He truly seemed to be a split personality. Did anyone catch that when he was singing of his love for Christine he sang in his falsetto and the rest of the time was pushing for a more dynamic sound.....
Well, I just got in from seeing the film version of "Phantom." I have to say that I have seen the stage production and loved much of the music but found the book quite poor. HOWEVER, I must admit that the movie...well I found it wonderfully done. The quality of the voices, acting, the overly large sets. Anyone who has been to the Pairs Opera house knows of the abundant sizes of everything there. The film caught all of that as well as the mood of the period. The wigs, costumes, and I must say BUTLER was in my opinon the best Phantom....for only one reason. He truly seemed to be a split personality. Did anyone catch that when he was singing of his love for Christine he sang in his falsetto and the rest of the time was pushing for a more dynamic sound.....