H: Harry; D: Dunbledore; Hag: Hagrid; Mc: McGonagall; Pet: Aunt Petunia; Ver: Uncle Vernon; Dud: Dudley;
Gob: Goblin; Oth(s): Unknown(s)/ extra(s); R: Ron Weasley; HG: Hermione; Mrs. W: Mrs. Weasley, P: Percy;
Snake: Snake from zoo Q: Quirrell; Tom: Bartender from the Leaky Cauldron; Griphook: Goblin from Gringotts; Olli: Ollivander;
G: George Weasley; F: Fred Weasley; Ginny: Ginny Weasley; N: Neville; SH: Sorting Hat;
M: Draco Malfoy; SF: Seamus Finnigan; Sir N: Sir Nicholas (Nearly-Headless-Nick); S: Severus Snape;
MH: Madame Hooch; F: Filch; OW: Oliver Wood; Fl: Professor Flitwick; Pic: Picture on a Hogwarts wall;
FL: The Fat Lady; *: Not positive who; Fil: Filch; HogGos: Hogwart Ghosts; V: Voldemort
Underlined: Book title; Italics: Spell
D: I should've known you would have been here Professor McGonagall.
Mc: Good evening Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumors true Albus?
D: I'm afraid so Professor. The good and the bad.
Mc: And the boy?
D: Hagrid is bringing him.
Mc: Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid w/ something as important as this?
D: Ah, Prof. I would trust Hagrid w/ my life
Hag: Professor. Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall.
D; No problems I trust Hagrid?