Listen, Rose. You're gonna get out of here. You're gonna go on and you're gonna
make lots of babies, and you're gonna watch them grow. You're gonna die an old
...old...lady, warm in her bed. Not here, not this night. Not like this. Do you
understand me?

小时候看这电影的结尾,Rose 结了婚,生儿育女,幸福一生,而 Jack 永远留在了那年的海底,心里真觉得替 Jack 不值。而现在我知道,Rose 就像你我每一个执着爱过又坚不可摧的女人:我要背着这所有的苦痛勇敢地走完这一生,我要怀抱着爱你的记忆活的长长久久,那么你也就始终以另一种形式存在于这世界。那才是对 Jack 最好的报答。