艽艽吧 关注:128贴子:20,964
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YAHOO评价 富商嫁女



1楼2013-01-12 10:55回复

    2楼2013-01-12 10:56

      3楼2013-01-12 10:56
        ——The groom's finances have vastly improved since his marriage on Sunday. He only makes about $24,000 a year, and "gets his bread from the government," according to the Daily Mail. The bride and groom have known each other since they were in kindergarten

        4楼2013-01-12 10:56
          Mousey ? 8 hours ago
            My dad gave me 3,000 to pay for the wedding and grandma
          gave me 1,000. I made it work! People spend way too much on weddings!
            Candace ? 7 hours ago
            I agree. It's more about the marriage than the wedding.
          I am getting married next year and my fiance' and I are saving money, why should
          our parents have to pay? Also, I don't believe in the old bride's family paying
          tradition, we are both women and we don't expect our parents to do anything but
          show up and have fun!

          8楼2013-01-12 10:58