Hello Drs
In January I
had sex with a bar girl in Vietnam. My condom slipped to about half my length
which the girl noticed and pulled the condom (Durex Latex Kingtex) back in
place. She then masturbated me with condom on and then comdom off. I did not
have a proper look at the condom and now I can't say whether it worked fine or
not. It has been my first and only time so I don't know how to check condoms. I
indeed saw some milky white liquid while she was masturbating me which scared
the hell out of me because I was far from ejaculation(nervousness) & I
actually never ejaculated with her. Could the liquid be lubricant on condom?
I came backto India where I had some severe liver inflammation on day 17 so
I got tested by HIV 1/2 Combo P24 Antigen which came non-reactive. I feel like
tingling pain intermittently since then mostly in lymph nodes in neck, armpit
& groin all on the right side of body. I have got painless red spots under
skin of my right hand which come and go. Liver inflammation has now reduced a
lot. Only tingling pain in lymph nodes remain with some discomfort in liver and
the red spots keep coming and going all on right hand.
1) What are
the chances of this being HIV? I never had fever for last 6weeks.
2) Is combo
testing reliable test given that it can sometimes skip low levels of P24?
3)I tested
at Indian lab which may have their own indegenously developed test. Do you
think it would be at par with western standards?
4)I tested
Combo again at 26 & 35 days as non-reactive. Do you think I need more test?
CC agent at that lab said that the window period for Combo is 3-6 months which
makes no sense to me as it defeats the very purpose of Combo test i.e. shorter
window period to be conclusive i.e. 28 days
5) I also
tested HBV non reactive 17&35 days and HCV non reactive 17 days. Could this
be HAV? Can it cause liver, lymph nodes pain and red spots (on my right hand)?
My most/all symptoms are on right side. or could it symply be an allergy?
你好医生,一月,我和一个酒吧女孩发生了关系。我的安全套滑落到了我升值器的一般,那个女孩注意到了,她把安全套弄回了原有的位置。之后她为我进行了无套和有套的手x。我没有看安全套,所以我不确定安全套是否完好并且起到了保护作用。这是我第一且唯一的一次,所以我不知道怎么检查安全套。我却是看到了奶白色液体当她为我手x时,这吓坏我了,因为我太紧张了,没有射j,确实没有。那些液体可能是润滑剂么?我回到印度,我得了严重的肝部炎症,(认为他的意思可能不指肝炎,只是很疼。)在第17天。所以我做了HIV联合测试,结果阴性。我感觉好像是那种间歇性的麻木疼痛,主要是在淋巴结,(arm pit)可能指小臂关节处。和腹股沟处。所有这些都集中在我的身体右侧。我有红色不痛的红点在右手皮下,之后好了。肝炎好了很多。只有淋巴麻木疼痛还在,和一些肝部不适以及右手的红点反反复复。
Hello Drs
In January I
had sex with a bar girl in Vietnam. My condom slipped to about half my length
which the girl noticed and pulled the condom (Durex Latex Kingtex) back in
place. She then masturbated me with condom on and then comdom off. I did not
have a proper look at the condom and now I can't say whether it worked fine or
not. It has been my first and only time so I don't know how to check condoms. I
indeed saw some milky white liquid while she was masturbating me which scared
the hell out of me because I was far from ejaculation(nervousness) & I
actually never ejaculated with her. Could the liquid be lubricant on condom?
I came backto India where I had some severe liver inflammation on day 17 so
I got tested by HIV 1/2 Combo P24 Antigen which came non-reactive. I feel like
tingling pain intermittently since then mostly in lymph nodes in neck, armpit
& groin all on the right side of body. I have got painless red spots under
skin of my right hand which come and go. Liver inflammation has now reduced a
lot. Only tingling pain in lymph nodes remain with some discomfort in liver and
the red spots keep coming and going all on right hand.
1) What are
the chances of this being HIV? I never had fever for last 6weeks.
2) Is combo
testing reliable test given that it can sometimes skip low levels of P24?
3)I tested
at Indian lab which may have their own indegenously developed test. Do you
think it would be at par with western standards?
4)I tested
Combo again at 26 & 35 days as non-reactive. Do you think I need more test?
CC agent at that lab said that the window period for Combo is 3-6 months which
makes no sense to me as it defeats the very purpose of Combo test i.e. shorter
window period to be conclusive i.e. 28 days
5) I also
tested HBV non reactive 17&35 days and HCV non reactive 17 days. Could this
be HAV? Can it cause liver, lymph nodes pain and red spots (on my right hand)?
My most/all symptoms are on right side. or could it symply be an allergy?
你好医生,一月,我和一个酒吧女孩发生了关系。我的安全套滑落到了我升值器的一般,那个女孩注意到了,她把安全套弄回了原有的位置。之后她为我进行了无套和有套的手x。我没有看安全套,所以我不确定安全套是否完好并且起到了保护作用。这是我第一且唯一的一次,所以我不知道怎么检查安全套。我却是看到了奶白色液体当她为我手x时,这吓坏我了,因为我太紧张了,没有射j,确实没有。那些液体可能是润滑剂么?我回到印度,我得了严重的肝部炎症,(认为他的意思可能不指肝炎,只是很疼。)在第17天。所以我做了HIV联合测试,结果阴性。我感觉好像是那种间歇性的麻木疼痛,主要是在淋巴结,(arm pit)可能指小臂关节处。和腹股沟处。所有这些都集中在我的身体右侧。我有红色不痛的红点在右手皮下,之后好了。肝炎好了很多。只有淋巴麻木疼痛还在,和一些肝部不适以及右手的红点反反复复。