sirius89吧 关注:23贴子:4,847
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第2 共 36
I loved my mother so much She was a drug addict She was an alcoholic She was legally blind She was a schizophrenic
But I never forgot that she loved me Even if she did it All the time All the time
Lisa, give me the money! It's mine! God, it's mine! You freak. Give it to me! Give it to me!
Let go, mom!
I gave a hundred to you!
Just come, I gave 100 to you!to one of you!
We're forced to live on! Every month! It is ...It's...It's the same damn thing! You can put it in your arms, so we can starve!
It's mine! I didn't take it! Give it to me! Give it to me! It's mine! We're hungry. I can’t! We need food, mom!
What did you ever do for me, huh?! I gave you life! Tell me go out to the street and sell myself for it? Huh? Do you want me to do it? I know I do it sometimes, right?
I need it.
[Monologue]I wanted that smile.Oh, god! I wanted that smile so much. I was pathetic,
第3 共 36
wasn't I?
Don't take the aqueduct! Mummy! She’s taking the aqueduct! What the hell difference does it make?
She'll get mugged! Who cares!
Dad, we'll cop her, if we can't she'll get mugged! Always a big production!
See they fixed the light for a change. Not easy to break them again
No, No, No. She's ok, see the water runs downhill. There's no water
No, No. Don't you know what aqueduct is? The aqueduct carried water to New York City for like over a hundred years they did that. And they close it down, but now the ghost water right? He carried your mother along.
[Monologue] My father, you could sit down on a couch and talk to my father. You just can't talk to him for long. He knew so much. He got all the answers right on JEOPERDY. He was a genius, every answer, every time. That’s the thing. Your parents are your Gods. I look to them as an example of what I should find everywhere on the world. They paid so little attention to my needs .but then I felt that their needs were so powerful that ... It didn't make me feel hurt or angry that they didn't look into me. Because I felt ok. This just must to be the human condition to be so. And then the world came in.
You took my husband, you little bustard, I'll kill you. No, mummy!
第4 共 36
I'm not your mother. I did your favor. I shouldn't have trail on you! Help me clean up this Liz. They see this they're gonna take us, too. NO! NO! NO! It's my house. Don’t take me!Get out! NO!Don't take! No fasten!
What happened to the window? She threw the ****. Such you on fire, take me... Come on jean
Why don't take a medication? good girl!
She takes it! She just takes too many other things on top of it... OK OK
This place is a mess! What happened here? I fell down.
Oh oh oh, Jean put the knife down All right where's the phone? We don't have one! This woman doesn't fit You're kidding
You girls have choice. Clean this place up, help your mother. How about my father?
Ignore her. She's a ... She's a feminist.
I can take you any time I want. You keep skipping school. You keep living like the

IP属地:日本来自Android客户端1楼2013-06-20 11:20回复
    animals.Hey hey, where are you going? Come back here. Come back. You’re gonna go to a home. Do you know what home is like? There are girls. They'll beat you dull, take everything you have. You can't have anything! You have to clean bathrooms. You’ll work there if you don't work here.
    Back up! Back up. It’s not a show! You got nothing better to do, huh?
    [Monologue] Couldn't they see? Anyone could see. She was in so much pain. There were struggles so much on the surface so there if anyone cared to look. It wasn't like she was running off from being a good mother to somebody else... She just didn't have any more to give.
    Oh, somebody stinks! What is that?
    [Monologue] I was always the smelly kid in class. We *** on the bucket to shower, but daddy laughed at her doing, said she had to marry a doctor she has so many expectations. I didn't have any expectations. So therefore, I guess, I stunk. And I itched from *** and it burned between my legs. My teachers were always telling not to finch it

    IP属地:日本来自Android客户端2楼2013-06-20 11:21
      are falling down into a deep dark hole? Buzzed in, locked in. It was like visiting my mother. Only I was in the crazy house now. And I didn't get out in 24 hours, I didn't get out in 24 days. No one wanted me. They just left me there.
      Why don't you go to school? That’s the big problem we've got here. Why don't you go? From what I can see, you've got a discipline problem.
      Liz? Hi, pops
      You get your mother. Jean, come out here. She's here. I'm leaving for school, but I wanna see you first. Thanks, Lisa.
      Don't screw this up. We're doing OK, and don't expect too much. She's dying. Lizzy! Mom
      [Monologue] When I think of my life. This is the time I like to think of. When I got back. When mother's mind was clear. There was no cocaine. so her schizophrenic seemed about to working. And we go to the cafe, and sit, and talk, and eat hamburgers. We were together. Even with her bad eyes, I think she could see me. Well, she could see my outline. And for a while, I had my mother again.
      And we w

      IP属地:日本来自Android客户端3楼2013-06-20 11:23
        I wish my mom would. He does stuff to my sister. You don't have a sister. Lucky for her.
        Did you tell your mother? Yeah, I told her.
        But she left him and she cursed him out, she just gonna call the cops and now she's getting back with him.
        You know, I asked her how she could do that? and she said she missed him. She missed him, Huh? I was 7 when he first stuck it in.
        Chris, Chris don’t. Moving with me. Stay here?
        What's your grandfather gonna say?
        He won't know. I will. We'll work it out, so I never see you. He won't get up until late from work. He's like a robot, anyway, out at
        And back at six. Out
        Pop, she has no place to stay. It's not my problem. OUT! Leave her alone. Don't...
        Your mother's dying. Your piece of trash father walked out and stuck me with a lot of these. Did I ask my fellows of my age, did they? What are you doing? All right, that suits me. You end up a trash anyway, just like your parents.
        So I left
        第16 共 36
        You wanna go and get your stuff or you're gonna

        IP属地:日本来自Android客户端4楼2013-06-20 11:25
          Hey, we'll get you by Friday. OK thank you. Oh pleasure guys Elizabeth? Liz.
          Liz, I'm sorry. We're making our last decisions now. I'm already late. Can I just talk to you for just a minute? 30 seconds? It's the application. It's a whole big essay question, too. I've already done the essay. I really want this.
          I haven't had a lot grownups improved to be trustworthy or for the long runs, so maybe I don't know how to talk to you, but ...My parents both use drugs, a lot of them. I won't go near them, but...but I guess I, kind of, lived that life style. I’m embarrassed now about how layback I've been. I mean, I've never even really been school except for the 8 grade. But...
          Your grades are very good in elementary school
          I used to show up. Last week I took the test, that's how I get promoted. I’m smart. I know I can succeed. I just... I just need the chance. I need the chance to climb out of this place I've been born in. Everyone I know just angry, tired. They’re trying to survive. But I kno

          IP属地:日本来自Android客户端5楼2013-06-20 11:26
            What kind of words? The words of the author.
            NO NO, this is important. And what we have here? A lot of other people's words Why do I want you to have them?
            Because one point of view gives you a one-dimensional world
            Cigars cigars! BISMARCK. Marks the guy who sold me the babble gums cigars. Why on earth would we confine ourselves to his story——history
            But isn't that the deal day? I mean is there official history? NO girl, tell him what history is. History is all of us. All our stories count.
            That’s it. Grab your papers. I'll be in the launch if you wanna talk about it. Hey Liz, it's yours Hey new girl
            You let me in but you don't remember my name
            Oh I remember your name. I just like the others gaining up your side. You’re pretty smart. So are you
            You gave me an A-.
            Yeah, I thought it was a very good paper How do I make an A?
            Liz, an A- is an excellent mark. This is your first school work and what? Forever? If my words count, I want them to be right.
            第26 共 36
            Well, *** is a g

            IP属地:日本来自Android客户端6楼2013-06-20 11:27
              It's your birthday. Happy birthday. But I don't think there's a requirement I know, thank you.
              [Monologue] but now I could tell the truth that I was homeless, and no one could come and take me away
              Liz? What are you doing here?
              I have this interview. I'm a finalist for a big NYT scholarship, but I don't have anything to wear.
              You want my clothes?
              Nothing fancy, just something that I can put over this.
              Mom sold my coat once, I couldn't go to school. I cried, I loved going to school so much. You never went to school. Why would they give you the scholarship?
              Because I'm homeless and I'm doing really well in school, and... You’re not homeless, Liz. You could stay here. No I couldn't. You know that
              Pop hates you. I'm going blind. Like mama. I’m scared. Liz, they kick me out of the group home and all my stuff. They can't kick you out, you're not 18 yet.
              They'll bring me to Brucklin. I don't wanna go to Brucklin. You have to help me I have an interview, right? Just let me get through th

              IP属地:日本来自Android客户端7楼2013-06-20 11:28
                It's your birthday. Happy birthday. But I don't think there's a requirement I know, thank you.
                [Monologue] but now I could tell the truth that I was homeless, and no one could come and take me away
                Liz? What are you doing here?
                I have this interview. I'm a finalist for a big NYT scholarship, but I don't have anything to wear.
                You want my clothes?
                Nothing fancy, just something that I can put over this.
                Mom sold my coat once, I couldn't go to school. I cried, I loved going to school so much. You never went to school. Why would they give you the scholarship?
                Because I'm homeless and I'm doing really well in school, and... You’re not homeless, Liz. You could stay here. No I couldn't. You know that
                Pop hates you. I'm going blind. Like mama. I’m scared. Liz, they kick me out of the group home and all my stuff. They can't kick you out, you're not 18 yet.
                They'll bring me to Brucklin. I don't wanna go to Brucklin. You have to help me I have an interview, right? Just let me get through th

                IP属地:日本来自Android客户端8楼2013-06-20 11:28
                  What about all that you have to live for What if the world were a little more perfect Just stop crying or would you take the leap What if the world were a little more perfect Would you open your eyes and blink again for me for me...
                  It isn't easy here without you Why did you leave me
                  What am I supposed to do without you... What if the world were a little more perfect Just stop crying or would you take the leap What if the world were a little more perfect Would you open your eyes
                  What if the world were a little more perfect Just stop crying or would you take the leap What if the world were a little more perfect Would you open your eyes and blink again for me for me... for me......

                  IP属地:日本来自Android客户端9楼2013-06-20 11:29

                    IP属地:日本来自Android客户端10楼2013-06-20 11:29
            ,妈妈。” --利兹“我爱你,爸爸,你是我遇到的最有趣的人。”“爸爸,我要上学,我必须要去。” --利兹
                      7.“修10门课,用2年读完,这不太可能,你会把自己累死的。”“不,这才是活着。” --利兹
                      8.“利兹,像我们这样的人,是不可能成功的,更不可能进哈佛。”“我会的。” --利兹9.我很聪明,我可以改变我现在的生活,改变我的一生。我需要的只是这个机会。
                      "14."要是我更加努力呢?""那需要努力,但并非不可能,"( 那个老师讲给丽兹听的)

                      IP属地:日本来自Android客户端11楼2013-06-20 11:47

                        IP属地:日本来自Android客户端12楼2013-06-20 12:50

                          IP属地:日本来自Android客户端13楼2013-06-21 18:47

                            来自Android客户端14楼2015-09-23 23:33

                              来自Android客户端15楼2018-05-19 18:04