To a person of similar sensibility this simple assertion will explain and excuse everything.嬴雷听了忍不住又是怒哼声,小声道:“哼,有了新人在,哪闻旧人哭?倒也算情深意切!”只是他虽小声,但金柳殿中几人都是修为不低,就算是那几个童子,也有养气后期顶峰的修为,自然都将他的话听得清清楚楚,只是嬴雷此话涉及长辈,几个童子自然不敢多言,心里却也起了心思。
'Elfride,' said Stephen, 'I was going to tell you the remainder to-morrow--I have been keeping it back--I must tell it now, after all. The remainder of my revelation refers to where my parents are. Where do you think they live? You know them--by sight at any rate.''I have seen Mr. Smith,' faltered Elfride.