最后还要提到:年在ouis Bazin和Z二位教授的编辑下出版了庆祝他八十寿辰的论文集《从敦煌到伊斯坦布尔哈米勒屯祝寿集》(DDA Istanbul—Hommage A James Russell Hamilton , 比利时Brepols出版社出版),内中收有21篇有关论文(包括我的一篇小文《中国土瓦语研究》)。
Uighur Studies in France Geng Shimin (Central University for Nationalities,100081 Beijing, China) Abstract: In this article the author speaks about the Turcology, especially Uighur studies in France. Besides, the author mainly gives information on the contributions of three French scholars in these aspects , i.e. Profs Jean Deny , Louis Bazin and James Hamilton. Key Words: Uighur Studies, J. Deny, L. Bazin, J. HamıltonI