今天在外面餐厅吃饭时,听到隔壁邻桌的一韩国男在跟一外国妹子讲他们韩国的产品有多炫酷屌, 像是啥三星, KIA, 现代之类的blah blah blah
然后自卖自夸一直讲著讲著说到了一些韩国农产品跟食物时, 听到他在讲 "it is a vegetable root that is very very good to health ,you know? hmm... err....hmm... dying people eat it can live longer you know? ...hmm... errrr.... ,然后you know you know支支吾吾的you know了半天
当我差点忍不住想回头跟他说这玩意英文叫ginseng时, 他说了
"I will bring you some of these Korean Carrots the next time I go back to Korea"
Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot
当场跪了 OrzI
然后自卖自夸一直讲著讲著说到了一些韩国农产品跟食物时, 听到他在讲 "it is a vegetable root that is very very good to health ,you know? hmm... err....hmm... dying people eat it can live longer you know? ...hmm... errrr.... ,然后you know you know支支吾吾的you know了半天
当我差点忍不住想回头跟他说这玩意英文叫ginseng时, 他说了
"I will bring you some of these Korean Carrots the next time I go back to Korea"
Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot Korean Carrot
当场跪了 OrzI