动漫妹控吧 关注:340贴子:2,225
  • 10回复贴,共1

这个吧火了 我就是元老


   -- westlife,
There came a crossing on the road 路上的十字路口,
If only there were signs 我只希望有人指引我前进
That showed me which direction I should go 告诉我路在何方
I've lived my life with no regrets -我不会后悔
It hasn't caught up on me yet 现在也是
Well I never knew I was losing you(losing you)但你默默离开了我
Losing you 离开了我

来自Android客户端1楼2013-11-06 19:49回复
    假如你每天签到拿4经验,18级300000/4= 75000天,如果从1岁开始签到,那100年= 36500天,你差不多要活200年保持每天签 到,如果你每天再水4经验,时间减半,但考 虑现实,你不可能再活100年,取50年吧 ,你就要每天水16经验,可能你是个勤快 的人,每天水32经验,那就需要25年!!!再如果你是个大水怪,每天水64经验, 那就只要12.5年!!!还如果你个心急的 人,每天水128经验,你只要6.25年!!! !假如你已经急不可耐了,每天水256经验 ,那你碉堡了,只要3.125年!!!当然, 你会觉得3年还是太远了,每天你闲的蛋疼 ,忙忙碌碌的水512经验,碉堡了,你只需 要1.5625年,只比1年半多一点!!!什么 !!你还不满意,那你觉得你可能一天水1 024经验吗,可能吗!!可能吗!!据说 回复100字或者一百字以上可以得到11~30经验 那么, 按照队形,点击复制,吧我的话复制一片 ,拿经验妥妥的!

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2013-11-07 06:31

      So if you've got a candle
      You better light it now, yeah
      If you've got a voice
      You better shout out loud!
      Raise your hands
      Above this crowd
      I will reach you
      Can you hear me
      Can you hear me
      Can you hear me,now?

      来自Android客户端3楼2013-11-07 06:47

        So if you've got a candle
        You better light it now, yeah
        If you've got a voice
        You better shout out loud!
        Raise your hands
        Above this crowd
        I will reach you
        Can you hear me
        Can you hear me
        Can you hear me,now?

        来自Android客户端4楼2013-11-07 06:47

          So if you've got a candle
          You better light it now, yeah
          If you've got a voice
          You better shout out loud!
          Raise your hands
          Above this crowd
          I will reach you
          Can you hear me
          Can you hear me
          Can you hear me,now?

          来自Android客户端5楼2013-11-07 06:48

            ~爱生活爱微笑爱小渊,我是世界上最机智的小尾巴,我为自己带盐 _(:3」∠)_

            来自Android客户端6楼2013-11-07 20:08

              IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端7楼2013-11-09 00:16