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Let it go.

IP属地:北京1楼2014-02-14 19:15回复

    IP属地:北京2楼2014-02-14 19:16
      姐姐在冰天雪地里唱起Let it go时我在影院里嗷嗷大哭(并没有 比起妹妹来似乎对姐姐的刻画不够,其实并不是,那种压抑的自我怀疑与孤独的自由转换得相当协调合理,大概总有人心中总是住着一个伤人的恶魔,为了避免伤害而疏远,只有在独自一人时可以释放甚至发现,它其实有无与伦比的力量。
      Frozen的重点其可能更放在Frozen Heart上一点,就是姐姐解冻自己内心的过程。
      片头浑厚的音乐<Frozen Heart>也是相当有重量的一部分,大概直接影射了全片主题,其实这种在片头用看似毫不相关的音乐点出中心的手法在电影里还是挺常用的?

      IP属地:北京4楼2014-02-14 19:39
        Frozen Heart的歌词:
        Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining...
        This icy force both foul and fair——
        Has a frozen heart worth mining.
        Cut through the heart, cold and clear.
        Strike for love and strike for fear.
        See the beauty sharp and sheer.
        Split the ice apart.
        And break the frozen heart.
        Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!
        Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!
        Beautiful! Powerful!
        Dangerous! Cold!
        Ice has a magic can't be controlled.
        Stronger than one, stronger than ten.
        Stronger than a hundred men!
        Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining...
        This icy force both foul and fair——
        Has a frozen heart worth mining.
        Cut through the heart, cold and clear.
        Strike for love and strike for fear.
        There's beauty and there's danger here.
        Split the ice apart!
        Beware the frozen heart......

        IP属地:北京5楼2014-02-14 19:41