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spoon 调羹 vinegar cruet 醋瓶 aluminium pot 铝锅 built-in cupboard 壁橱
jar 坛 oval plate 椭圆盘 grindstone |knife sharpener 磨刀石
knife-grinder| knife-grinder whet-stone 磨刀轮 kettle 烧水壶 gourd dipper 瓢
syrupjug 糖汁壶 sugar tongs 糖夹 sugar-bowl 糖盅 sugar scoop 糖匙
sugarbowl 糖碗 sugar container 糖罐 fork | table fork 餐叉 knife | tableknife 餐刀
tablenapkin | serviette 餐巾 sideboard 餐具柜 plate basket 餐具篮 paper napkin 餐纸
spoon| tablespoon 餐匙 pressure cooker 压力锅 wok 锅 | 镬
wokstand 锅架 cover 锅盖 spatula | slice 锅铲 lemon squeezer柠檬挤汁器
pastrybox 点心盒 dessert plate 点心碟 pastry plate 点心盘 strainer 滤器
soybottle | soy cruet 酱油瓶 cocktail cup 鸡尾酒杯 range 炉灶 fire box 炉膛
toastrack 面包架 bread plate 面包盘 bread basket 面包篮 breadboard 面板
noodlemaker 面条机 blender 搅拌器 mixer 搅拌机 can opener 罐头刀
saltcellar 盐盅 salt shaker 盐瓶 salt cellar 盐碟 sifter 箩斗 | 粉筛 salt 盐
cherryjam 樱桃酱 oyster sauce 蚝油 apple jam 苹果酱 crab paste 蟹酱
basil罗勒香料 brown vinegar 镇江醋 soy sauce | soy 酱油 sauce 酱汁
salmonpaste 鲑鱼酱 shredded ginger 姜丝 bruised ginger 姜末 cyclamate 糖精
powderedsugar 糖粉 syrup sauce 糖油汁 sugar 糖 vinegar 醋 shrimp paste 虾酱
choppedonions 葱花 sucrose 蔗糖 chutney 酸辣酱 chili sauce 辣椒酱 cayenne pepper 辣椒末 chili oil 辣油
creamedeggs 奶油煮蛋 creamy lamb stew 奶油炖小羊肉 creamed salted codfish 奶油咸煎鳕鱼 toad in the hole 布丁牛排[里有碎面包的] grilled halibut 扒比目鱼[英]
grilledflatfish 扒鲽鱼[英] heart of lettuce 生青菜心 raw fish 生鱼片 lettuce | tossed green 生菜 heart oflettuce 生菜心 slaw 生菜片 rice rolled in lettuce 生菜包饭 nama kaki 生鲜蚵[日] escargots 田螺 fricassee 白切肉 white sauce 白汁 prawn Newburg 白汁大虾 boiled fish 白汁鱼 sauce bechamel 白忌廉汁[法] boiled eggs 白煮蛋 castague allaFiamma 白兰地火焰栗子[义] jungol | stone-fire pot [Korean sukiyaki] 石头火锅[韩]牛肉 beef 腌牛肉 salted beef;corn beef
米粉蒸牛肉 steamed beef withglutinous rice flour
粉蒸牛肉 steamed beef withglutinous rice flour
蒸牛肉丸 steamed beef balls
咖喱牛肉 fried beef with curry
葱爆牛肉 fried beef with leeks
芝麻牛肉 fried beef with sesame
茄汁牛肉 fried beef with tomatosauce
滑蛋牛肉 fried beef with scrambledeggs
干煸牛肉 dry fried shredded beefwith pepper sauce
炒牛肉片 stir-fried sliced beef
青椒牛肉片 fried sliced beef withgreen chilli/chili pepper
茄汁牛肉片 fried sliced beef withtomato sauce
炒牛肉丝 stir-fried shredded beef
洋葱牛肉丝 fried shredded beef withonions
冬笋牛肉丝 fried beef shreds withbamboo shoots
菜尖牛肉丝 stir-fried shredded beefwith mung bean sprouts
烤牛肉 broiled beef slices
煨牛肉 simmered beef
焖牛肉 braised beef
炖牛肉 braised beef
红焖牛肉 braised beef with soysauce
蚝油牛肉 braised beef with oystersauce
红烧牛腩 braised beef tenderloinchunks with soy sauce
红煨牛肉 stewed beef with soysauce
红烧牛尾 stewed ox tail with brownsauce
红烧牛舌 stewed ox tongue withbrown sauce
白汁牛筋 stewed ox tendon withwhite sauce
红烧牛尾 braised ox tail with soysauce
红烧牛杂 braised beef offal withsoy sauce
牛杂碎 cooked chopped beefoffal; cooked chopped entrails of oxen
牛杂烩 cooked chopped beefoffal; cooked chopped entrails of oxen
羊肉 mutton 炮羊肉 quick-fried mutton
红烧羊肉 braised mutton with soysauce;
红煨羊肉 braised mutton with soysauce; stewed mutton with brown sauce
罐焖羊肉 braised mutton in pot;pot-braised mutton
白扣羊肉 plain boiled mutton
涮羊肉 instant boiled slicedmutton; &nbspMongol's hot pot; sliced mutton rinsed in chafing dish
烤羊肉 roast mutton
烤羊排 roast mutton chops
烤羊肉串 roasted mutton cubes onspit
芝麻羊肉 fried mutton with sesame
炒羊肚 fried lamb tripe
炸羊肉串 fried lamb shashlik
羊杂碎 cooked chopped entrailsof sheep
羊杂烩 cooked chopped entrailsof sheep

1楼2014-05-24 22:01回复