说起来也感慨,这么久了,终于快99 div了……目前还差800K xp,大约七月10号会拿到99 div(这个假期不会死玩,原来下午5个小时的游戏时间改成看书了,每天只晚上玩两个小时,所以才会延迟到这么久以后)
Date: July 10th
World: TBA
Location: My POH (May change if F2P attends)
Time: 15:00 Beijing Time (May change; if it doesn't fit you, feel free to contact me)
All welcome~
A special event is also planned (may not take place depends on the situation)
Date: July 10th
World: TBA
Location: My POH (May change if F2P attends)
Time: 15:00 Beijing Time (May change; if it doesn't fit you, feel free to contact me)
All welcome~
A special event is also planned (may not take place depends on the situation)