magick吧 关注:122贴子:147
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IP属地:辽宁1楼2014-07-14 17:30回复
    I am alwqys at a loss at how much to believe of n:ry own stories.
    Next to silence, stories are the most divine form of communication.
    Stories are alive. Stories are holy. Stories are gods that create
    universes and the creatures and characters that populate them.
    Stories bring to life all the triumphs and tragedies imagination and
    experience can summon to the mind. Stories speak directly to our
    Stories are magick.
    As I begin the seventh decade of my life, I find myself more
    inclined to listen to a story than to study a text or reflect on an
    argument-more inclined to tell a story than to presume to teach
    a lesson or offer advice. Perhaps it is because as we grow older we
    have more stories to tell, and experience and wisdom conspire to
    add dimension, texture, and perspective to the lengthening register
    of our memories.

    IP属地:辽宁3楼2014-07-14 17:33
      For whatever reason, I find myself at this season of my life unable
      to approach the subject of this book from any direction other than
      relating my personal experiences. This is not to say that I haven't integrated
      a great deal of theory and technical information within my
      nonchronological narratives. Indeed, I believe there is more than
      enough magical "how-to-ness" nestled within these pages to keep
      a motivated magician busy for some time. But it is the story that
      informs-the story that teaches-the story that reveals the magical
      "how-why-ness" (and in some instances, the "how-why not-ness")
      of the magician's life.
      However, storytelling has certain disadvantages-foremost being
      the fact that memory is a fragile and subjective thing. Pain,
      regret, embarrassment, shame, wishful thinking, fantasy, and oldfashioned
      self-delusion constantly threaten the accuracy of our
      recollections of the past. Absolute objectivity is impossible. But
      unlike other mortals who lead less examined lives, the magician is
      obliged to keep a diary, and may refer to specific events recorded
      in his or her magical journals. I've relied heavily on my scribblings
      in the preparation of this book-a painfully embarrassing ordeal,
      I assure you.
      Also, in the course of telling a magical story, one must consider
      the sensitivities and the privacy of other individuals, living or dead,
      who may be part of the action. Over the years I have been blessed
      to meet and work with some very wonderful and colorful characters,
      most of whom would not be recognizable personalities in our
      magical subculture, but a few of them I dare say might. So, I confess
      here and now that in certain places in this book I've changed
      names or made other literary adjustments to allow certain individuals
      to remain blissfully incognito.

      IP属地:辽宁4楼2014-07-14 17:34
        I, of course, hope that you will enjoy this small collection of
        my memories, but I know that I can't possibly satisfY the taste and
        expectation of every reader. Perhaps this book will not be what you
        expected. Perhaps you will be disappointed that I haven't written
        yet another textbook or a more scholarly elucidation upon some
        great magical system or philosophical doctrine. If so, I hope you
        overlook my lack of apology, because I believe with this little book
        I am offering you something that can be far more powerful and
        enlightening-a gift of stories. I hope you accept them for what
        they are, and find your particular truth within them. For as the
        Zuni sages tell us, "There is no truth, only stories."

        IP属地:辽宁5楼2014-07-14 17:35
          Speak of the Devil and he appears.
          For a magician, it is better to be possessed) the demon than ignored) him.
          It is a sad fact (at least from my perspective) that not everyone who
          picks up this book and thumbs through it will end up buying it.
          It is also true that not everyone who buys it and takes it home will
          read it from cover to cover. So, just in case these opening remarks
          are the only words you will ever read from this book, I'm going to
          immediately exploit this fleeting moment we have together and
          impart to you in large uppercase letters the most important secret
          of magick-and of life:

          IP属地:辽宁6楼2014-07-14 17:36
            DO NOT BE AFRAID!

            IP属地:辽宁7楼2014-07-14 17:36
              Now! If you're short on time, please feel free to close the book
              and fearlessly get on with your life.
              Do not get me wrong. It's good to be cautious. It's good to be
              wise. It's good to be measured and thoughtful in all your actions
              and behavior, but fear is poison to your magical practice and poison
              to your life. Please know that I am not preaching this gospel of
              fearlessness from the marble pulpit of righteousness and courage.
              On the contrary, I'm shouting it from the pasteboard megaphone
              of my own ignoble and cowardly character.
              When I began my life as a practicing magician, it seemed like I
              was afraid of everything. When I rehearsed my first Pentagram and
              Hexagram rituals, I superstitiously monitored everything from my
              heartbeat to my horniness. I fantasized seeing things out of the
              corner of my eye, and recorded the most outlandish speculations
              in my diary.
              I realize now that most of my fears of things that go bump in the
              night arose from the deepest stratum of my childhood religious programming.
              In less evasive words, I was still consciously and unconsciously
              brainwashed by my Christian upbringing-still trapped in
              a hostile universe that reverberated with the thundering curses of a
              wrathful God who frightens little children into acceptable behavior
              (so that they grow into obedient God-fearing adult little children).
              I was programmed by films and literature based upon that
              unwholesome doctrine of fear and self-loathing. Today, as I review
              my old diaries, it all seems pretty silly and melodramatic:
              Performed Greater Invoking Pentagram Ritual of Fire for the first
              time. Later in the day broke a shoelace and had acid reflux.

              IP属地:辽宁8楼2014-07-14 17:37

                IP属地:辽宁9楼2014-07-14 17:37
                  Slept with Mars talisman under my pillow-dreamed my fathers
                  corpse was eaten by seahorses-woke up with an erection.

                  IP属地:辽宁10楼2014-07-14 17:37
                    I thank the gods that I had in those early years a knowledgeable,
                    experienced, and competent magical mentor1 who (when
                    not projecting her own fears of low magick upon me)2 mercilessly
                    ridiculed my childish fears and helped me develop an attitude akin
                    to that of a motivated research scientist who is driven by intense
                    curiosity and a sense of scientific wonder. Remember Laura Dern's
                    character in the film jurassic Park, rolling up her sleeves and plunging
                    her arm into a huge pile of dinosaur poop for a clue to the
                    poor animal's tummy ache? Well, sometimes a magician is faced
                    with even more disturbing psychological and spirit-world challenges,
                    and the key to meeting those challenges is that same detached
                    attitude of fearlessness, determination, and an unshakeable
                    passion for enlightenment.
                    I recently received a letter from a magician who believed that
                    her mood swings and other health issues were the result of her
                    magical workings. Here's a portion of my letter back to her. I hope
                    you find it encouraging.
                    Dear (name withheld),
                    Concerning mood swings and health issues vis-a-vis your
                    magical practices, it's usually best to ascribe them to the
                    normal demons of body chemistry and the stress of twentyfirst
                    century urban life. More often than not, a head cold
                    or the flu isn't caused by backlash for a magical operation.
                    Even if it were a negative reaction to your magical workings,
                    your doubts and fears over the matter only serve to
                    give the entities you fear permission and encouragement
                    to keep feeding on your insecurities (and perhaps much
                    more). By becoming preoccupied as to whether this pain
                    or that fever might be a demon messing with you, you voluntarily
                    give the demon power to give you this pain or that
                    fever-in a very real sense, the demon has evoked you!
                    Try to remain mindful that you'll probably live through
                    all your magical workings (except perhaps the last one),
                    and that nothing neutralizes the power of a pesky demon
                    more than having its scariness ignored. Remember what it
                    says in Liber Librae: "Humble thyself before thy Self, yet
                    fear neither man not spirit. Fear is failure, and the forerunner
                    of failure: and courage is the beginning of virtue."

                    IP属地:辽宁11楼2014-07-14 17:38
                      小憨哥哥~我有low magick这本书的实体书⊙▽⊙~

                      12楼2014-07-25 16:49