光年前的星空114吧 关注:10贴子:514
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来自Android客户端1楼2014-08-12 22:56回复
    My Friend - SPYAIR

    《My friend》 SPYAIR
    明日(あした)また それぞれの道(みち)を
    a shi ta ma ta so re zo re no mi chi wo [ 明天再见 我们踏上了各自的旅途]
    歩(ある)いても 离(はな)れないMy friend
    a ru yi te mo ha na re na yi My friend [ 即使迈开大步 也不会分离My friend]
    ありのまま 生(い)きていく强(つよ)さと
    a ri no ma ma yi ki te yi ku tsu yo sa to [ 真真切切地 强势的活下去]
    u shi na ccha yi ke na yi mo no ga ko ko ni a ru [ 永远也不会消失的东西就在这里]
    ho n to u ga ki no go ro ka ra [ 其实啊 从还是孩子的时候开始]
    いつもありがとうな これから また、よろしくな
    yi tsu mo a ri ga to u na ko re ka ra ma ta yo ro shi ku na [就一直很感谢啊 从今往后也又要说多多关照啦]
    Ah すこし田舎(いなか)で生(う)まれて
    Ah su ko shi yi na ka de u ma re te [ Ah 只是出生在一个小乡村]
    so u mu cha na a so bi mo shi ta ke do [ 对啊 虽然也很乱来的玩过]
    くだらない事(こと)が よかった
    ku da ra na yi ko to ga yo ka tta [如果是很无聊的事情 那就好了呢]
    现実(げんじつ)は苦(くる)しい 梦(ゆめ)ばかり追(お)えない
    ge n ji tsu wa ku ru shi yi yu me ba ka ri o e na yi [ 现实很苦 也不能总是去追逐梦想]
    ha ya ku o to na ni na ro u to shi ta [ 是打算早早地成为大人啦]
    o ya ni da tte su ko shi wa ra ku wo sa se ta ga tta [想要让父母生活的更轻松快乐一些]
    tsu yo ku na ro u to tsu yo ga tte yi ta n da [ 想要变得强大 所以开始逞强]
    明日(あした)また それぞれの道(みち)を
    a shi ta ma ta so re zo re no mi chi wo [ 明天再见 我们踏上了各自的旅途]
    歩(ある)いても 离(はな)れないMy friend
    a ru yi te mo ha na re na yi My friend [ 即使迈开大步 也不会分离My friend]
    ありのまま 生(い)きていく强(つよ)さと
    a ri no ma ma yi ki te yi ku tsu yo sa to [ 真真切切地 强势的活下去]
    u shi na ccha yi ke na yi mo no ga ko ko ni a ru [ 永远也不会消失的东西就在这里]
    むしゃくしゃして 伤(きず)つけた后(あと)でも
    mu sha ku sha shi te ki zu tsu ke ta a to de mo [ 即使是心烦意乱 即使是在受伤之后]
    ma ta su gu ni yu ru shi a u [ 也能够 马上就原谅对方]
    do n na tsu ra yi to ki mo [不论是在多么痛苦的时候]
    君(きみ)が笑(わら)うから 笑(わら)えた
    ki mi ga wa ra u ka ra wa ra e ta [因为你在笑 所以我也能笑出来]
    to o ma wa ri shi ta bu n da ke [ 就算是饶了远路的那段日子]
    wa ka ri a e ru ji ka n mo a tta ka ra [互相了解的那段时间也是有的啊]
    bo ku ra wa ma chi ga tte yi na yi [ 我们没有搞错呢]
    いまは そう思(おも)う
    yi ma wa so u o mo u [ 我现在也是这么想的呀]
    明日(あした)また それぞれの道(みち)を
    a shi ta ma ta so re zo re no mi chi wo [ 明天再见 我们踏上了各自的旅途]
    歩(ある)いても 离(はな)れないMy friend
    a ru yi te mo ha na re na yi My friend [ 即使迈开大步 也不会分离My friend]
    ありのまま 生(い)きていく强(つよ)さと
    a ri no ma ma yi ki te yi ku tsu yo sa to [ 真真切切地 强势的活下去]
    u shi na ccha yi ke na yi mo no ga ko ko ni a ru [ 永远也不会消失的东西就在这里]
    明日(あした)また それぞれの道(みち)を
    a shi ta ma ta so re zo re no mi chi wo [ 明天再见 我们踏上了各自的旅途]
    歩(ある)いても 离(はな)れないMy friend
    a ru yi te mo ha na re na yi My friend [ 即使迈开大步 也不会分离My friend]
    ありのまま 生(い)きていく强(つよ)さと
    a ri no ma ma yi ki te yi ku tsu yo sa to [ 真真切切地 强势的活下去]
    u shi na ccha yi ke na yi mo no ga ko ko ni a ru [ 永远也不会消失的东西就在这里]
    ありのまま 生(い)きていく强(つよ)さと
    a ri no ma ma yi ki te yi ku tsu yo sa to [ 真真切切地 强势的活下去]
    u shi na ccha yi ke na yi mo no ga ko ko ni a ru [ 永远也不会消失的东西就在这里]
    u shi na ccha yi ke na yi mo no ga ko ko ni a ru [ 永远也不会消失的东西就在这里

    IP属地:甘肃2楼2014-08-13 08:24
      Coming Home
      ------P-Diddy(feat.Skylar Grey)
      I*m coming home
      I*m coming home
      Tell the World I*m coming home
      Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
      I know my kingdom awaits and they*ve forgiven my mistakes
      I*m coming home, I*m coming home
      Tell the World that I*m coming
      Back where I belong, yeah I never felt so strong
      (I*m back baby)
      I feel like there*s nothing that I can*t try
      And if you with me put your hands high
      (put your hands high)
      If you ever lost a light before, this ones for you
      And you, the dreams are for you
      I hear "The Tears of a Clown"
      I hate that song
      I feel like they talking to me when it comes on
      Another day another Dawn
      Another Keisha, nice to meet ya, get the math I*m gone
      What am I ‘posed to do when the club lights come on
      Its easy to be Puff, its harder to be Sean
      What if the twins ask why I aint marry their mom (why, damn!)
      How do I respond?
      What if my son stares with a face like my own
      And says he wants to be like me when he*s grown
      Sh-t! But I aint finished growing
      Another night the inevitible prolongs
      Another day another Dawn
      Just tell Taneka and Taresha I*ll be better in the morn*
      Another lie that I carry on
      I need to get back to the place I belong
      I*m coming home
      I*m coming home
      Tell the World I*m coming home
      Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
      I know my kingdom awaits and they*ve forgiven my mistakes
      I*m coming home, I*m coming home
      Tell the World that I*m coming
      "A house is Not a Home", I hate this song
      Is a house really a home when your loved ones are gone
      And n-ggas got the nerve to blame you for it
      And you know you woulda took the bullet if you saw it
      But oyu felt it and still feel it
      And money can*t make up for it or conceal it
      But you deal with it and you keep ballin*
      Pour out some liquor, play ball and we keep ballin*
      Baby we*ve been living in sin *cause we*ve been really in love
      But we*ve been living as friends
      So you*ve been a guest in your own home
      It*s time to make your house your home
      Pick up your phone, come on
      I*m coming home
      I*m coming home
      Tell the World I*m coming home
      Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
      I know my kingdom awaits and they*ve forgiven my mistakes
      I*m coming home, I*m coming home
      Tell the World that I*m coming
      "Ain*t No Stopping Us Now", I love that song
      Whenever it comes on it makes me feel strong
      I thought I told y*all that we won*t stop
      We back cruising through Harlem, Viso blocks
      It*s what made me, saved me, drove me crazy
      Drove me away than embraced me
      Forgave me for all of my shortcomings
      Welcome to my homecoming
      Yeah it*s been a long time coming
      Lot of fights, lot of scars, lot of bottles
      Lot of cars, lot of ups, lot of downs
      Made it back, lost my dog (I miss you BIG)
      And here I stand, a better man! (a better man)
      Thank you Lord (Thank you Lord)

      Coming Home Part.Ⅱ
      --------skylar gery
      And the blood will dry , underneath my nails
      And the wind will rise up
      To fill my sails
      So you can doubt
      You can hate
      But I know
      No matter what it takes
      I’m coming home
      I’m coming home
      Tell the world that I’m coming home
      Let the rain wash away
      All the pain of yesterday
      I know my kingdom awaits
      And they’ve forgiven my mistakes
      I’m coming home
      I’m coming home
      Tell the world that I’m coming
      Still far away
      From where I belong
      But it’s always darkest before the dawn
      So you can doubt
      You can hate
      But I know
      No matter what it takes
      I’m coming home
      I’m coming home
      Tell the world that I’m coming home
      Let the rain wash away
      All the pain of yesterday
      I know my kingdom awaits
      They’ve forgiven my mistakes
      I’m coming home
      I’m coming home
      Tell the world that I’m coming
      I’m coming home
      I’m coming home
      Tell the world that I’m coming
      Let the rain wash away
      All the pain of yesterday
      I know my kingdom awaits
      They’ve forgiven my mistakes
      I’m coming home
      I’m coming home
      Tell the world that I’m coming home

      5楼2014-08-13 21:21