以下是下午电邮至interpark 客服的回覆: ========================================================== Dear. About your enquiry of the [2014 B1A4 Road Trip to Seoul - READY?] concert, We apologize the tickets will be released at Korean version only. Please understand we do sell at global page when it has requested by the show agency. You may purchase tickets over the phone from 09:00 am,18th of Sep if there are remaining seats on web. Tel : +82-2-1544-1555 (From abroad) / 1544-1555 (Inside Korea) Open time : 09:00~20:00 (Mon~Sat)/ 09:00~18:00 (Sun) by Korea Local Time. Be sure it doesn*t have any language service you need to have korean help for it. Feel free to contact us for further enquiries. Thank you Interpark Customer Service.