[Moscow Street truck printed naked chest advertising leads to 517 accident] according to the British "Daily Mail", Moscow Street appeared a number of trucks, body printed with great women topless poster, advertising language is "their gravity". These cars in the city through, causing many male driver distraction, just to see the ads, but didn*t pay attention to the vehicle in front, just 24 hours caused the 517 car accident. The police have these cars stop, request to withdraw advertising.
【莫斯科街头卡车印裸胸广告 导致517起车祸】据英国《每日邮报》,莫斯科街头出现一批卡车,车身印着巨大的女性裸胸海报,广告语是"她们的引力"。这些车在市区穿行,导致许多男司机分心,只顾看广告,却没注意前方车辆,短短24小时内就诱发了517起车祸。目前警方已经将这些车拦下,要求撤下广告。
【莫斯科街头卡车印裸胸广告 导致517起车祸】据英国《每日邮报》,莫斯科街头出现一批卡车,车身印着巨大的女性裸胸海报,广告语是"她们的引力"。这些车在市区穿行,导致许多男司机分心,只顾看广告,却没注意前方车辆,短短24小时内就诱发了517起车祸。目前警方已经将这些车拦下,要求撤下广告。