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IP属地:江苏1楼2015-01-12 18:31回复

    我凉在FE的人品偶真是醉了,4站中3站有望夺冠,结果2站被撞飞,4次得来速,连minidriver都看不下去了,过分的推出了撞凉凉赢bonus的漫画。在刚结束的阿根廷站,凉凉本有望夺冠,结果因为维修区超速被罚通过维修区,最后混了个第8。谁让你又说7比1来着?no zuo no die

    IP属地:江苏2楼2015-01-12 18:34


      IP属地:江苏3楼2015-01-13 22:37


        IP属地:江苏6楼2015-02-16 23:00

          野毛毛和Daniel Abt小锅为FE柏林站宣传,野毛毛着装+美貌好评~让两个FE世界的煤球做宣传尊的好么

          IP属地:江苏7楼2015-02-25 20:49

            野毛毛在FE迈阿密站期间,看篮球、转篮球~但是野毛毛本人依旧在比赛中煤球,排位赛用电过度,被罚十位,正赛最后一位发车最后还是没有积分 #心疼野毛毛#

            IP属地:江苏8楼2015-03-17 21:13
              F1夏休了,野毛毛也夏休去了,居然去拜访了电瓶车的队友Sarrazin,然后在人家家玩露营,这绝壁是吃果果的搅基!貌似暗示下赛季就不和Sarrazin队友了,再结合前段时间煤球队给JV试车的消息,难道下赛季要搭档JV? 另外附上sportcarone上的野毛毛WEC生涯总结
              h ttp://http://www.sportscarone.com/racing-roots-nick-heidfeld/

              IP属地:江苏10楼2015-08-05 18:16

                来自手机贴吧13楼2015-08-10 18:39

                  官宣了,野毛毛加盟FE Mahindra车队,下赛季搭档外甥

                  IP属地:江苏14楼2015-08-10 19:00
                    HEIDFELD “NOT PUSHED OUT”
                    Nick Heidfeld was not pushed out of his Venturi Formula E seat, as intimated yesterday by a report at Spiegel Online, but has chosen to move to another team.
                    “It was entirely Nick’s decision to leave Venturi,” we were told today by a source close to the Monaco-based team (which has since replaced Heidfeld with former F1 world champ Jacques Villeneuve) and which other sources in the paddock have confirmed. “I’m not sure exactly what all the reasons are but it was definitely Nick’s choice. There was no pushing out by the team.”
                    The popular German driver suffered an extraordinary run of misfortune in the maiden Formula E season, beginning with a catastrophic crash while challenging for the lead of the first ever Formula E race. However, his ambitions within the electric sport remain undimmed.
                    “Nick will be staying in Formula E,” our source went on. “There will be an announcement made in the next few days.”
                    While the identity of Heidfeld’s new team remains under wraps, it is one of Formula E’s new constructors that has lured him out of the black, red and white Venturi cars. That means that Heidfeld’s move is likely to be strategic, based on where he thinks he will find a stronger season two powertrain package and stronger race operations.
                    Current E will have a trackside team at every day of preseason testing at Donington Park. Stay tuned for all the latest news.

                    IP属地:江苏16楼2015-08-13 18:00

                      野毛毛最近推特更新:图1 野毛毛喜欢的Reus小盆友在德甲首轮怒屠旧主小萌兴后被野毛毛插旗~Reus小盆友要小心哦~图2 某位记者分别在01年和15年采访野毛毛的皂片~

                      IP属地:江苏17楼2015-08-23 21:44
                        Interview: Heidfeld talks Mahindra, The Attraction of FE… and that Hair!
                        As I sat down with Nick Heidfeld – who impressively decided to go cross-legged – on the back of the teams transit vehicle I found myself excited to put my questions to Mahindra Racings latest signing – a driver I had watched in Formula 1 for so many years…
                        So Nick, here in Donington we’re all gearing up for the start of Season 2, but if we rewind a year… what is it that attracted you to the Formula E championship?
                        Well before signing it was of course the idea of electric racing which was interesting, something brand new and to be a part of that. I watched its build up from the outside for a while and thought ok I enjoy sports car racing too much to do it – but then I thought I would give it a go at least in year 1 and see how it is. I liked it more and more as I saw which teams were coming into the sport and exactly which drivers came in; because I think we have a very high standard of drivers, I think it’s a very strong field. And then the icing on the cake for signing was the venues, the places that we go to. We go to Miami, we go to Moscow, to Berlin; each single circuit is in a fantastic location across the world. Next year we will go to others, this year we go to Paris, and that’s fantastic! What I enjoyed during the season was that the racing was very close and I hope it will stay like this in season 2 because there will obviously be differences between the cars, but hopefully not just one team driving away; that would make it boring for the drivers and the spectators. Part of the excitement of last year was that everybody could win, we had seven different winners I think in the first seven races or something like that, you never knew who was going to win!
                        Is that a concern then, that one team might have done a much better job with the powertrain this year and just pull away at the front?…
                        A small worry. I think the regulations are done in a way that means there shouldn’t be massive differences. We’re still limited, we still all have the same battery, which will probably go up to 170kw for the race from 150kw last year; so in the end don’t think there will be massive differences.
                        You’ve moved from Venturi to Mahindra Racing this year, what was it that attracted you to the team?
                        Well I spoke to a couple of teams including Mahindra and especially I had conversations with Dilbagh (Mahindra Team Principle); who explained to me all about what he and the team learned from last year, what they want to improve, what they have already changed, what their future plan was, and that’s what convinced me.
                        That’s great because Mahindra are a really popular team with the fans and I think we all want to see the team have a much stronger performance this year!
                        I hope so.
                        I was going to ask Bruno, but as Mahindra managed to convince you, can you tell us what the team struggled to get right last season and what they’ve learnt to hopefully see you guys fighting higher up the grid?
                        I don’t really want to go into the details and probably Bruno will answer the question a lot better because he was here last year; so that’s an easy question for me to push on to him *laughs*
                        You and Bruno Senna have worked together before as test drivers for Lotus in Formula 1… has that made having him as your new team mate this year any easier?
                        Yes a little bit. We know each other, we’ve met on several occasions before and of course a lot last year. There’s a very good relationship between all the drivers in Formula E. It was very easy to settle into this team and also to get on with Bruno, we have a good work relation and we get on well.
                        Can you tell us your thoughts on the powertrain Mahindra Engineering have developed for the car this year?
                        There’s some small things that need improvement, luckily mainly on the software side; reliability is very important. In terms of our speed, power and ultimate lap time it’s too early to tell. At the moment it looks like e.dams is on top, at least from the first test, but we will only find out in Beijing where we truly stand.
                        It seems more and more that drivers are again taking part in multiple racing championships – you yourself have competed in the WEC – do you think that’s a result of anything in particular? are drivers feeling freer? If you go back some 30-40 years (*nods*… “yeah!”) drivers used to compete in multiple championships all the time and it’s something that seemed to go away for a while, particularly in Formula 1.
                        Yeah I think in Formula 1 there’s not much going on apart from recently Le Mans. I think in the past some people wanted to try other racing but were not allowed. And for the others I think it depends on how big their programme is and if they clash. Formula E makes it possible for many, not only drivers but teams, engineers, mechanics to do WEC, where for them before it was not possible. Also in Formula 1 you’re so dedicated to this one things, so focused as a team, where as in Formula E it’s just starting up, there’s not so many races in a season, so luckily they’re more open to allow you to do something else. On top of that there’s no in season testing so it is possible to do it and I think this is the reason.
                        Ok and just one last question Nick…
                        I think a lot of fans on twitter are curious to know how you get your hair looking so good?
                        I read something last week, but it was the first time I ever saw it…
                        Everybody wants to know what does Nick Heidfeld use on his hair? how does he look so well groomed?… Do you have any style advice?
                        Normally I actually never use a comb because I think it takes too much time… I just shower, use whatever shampoo is around, because I like to sleep very long so I have no time *laughs*
                        So it’s just get up and go!?
                        Sometimes if I have it, if I don’t forget it I put some gel or cream or *laughs*
                        That’s brilliant, thank you very much Nick!
                        Nick was a joy to talk to. Attentive and able to laugh at himself, he came across as genuinely interested, giving consideration to each question. I felt very relaxed talking to him as though he would give me all the time I needed, despite no doubt having a lot of work to do understanding this years car.
                        Both Nick and Mahindra Racing experienced very mixed seasons last year and neither will have come away satisfied. but the team have shown competitive pace throughout testing so far, even if it’s too early to read anything into the lap times around Donington Park. Both driver and team have a point to prove in season 2 and here’s hoping they can achieve that together.

                        IP属地:江苏18楼2015-08-23 21:47


                          IP属地:江苏19楼2015-09-20 17:09

                            IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端20楼2015-10-21 15:17
                              野毛毛2015年FE北京站之前接受red bull uk采访,谈谈坐飞机旅行参赛那些事儿(不要问偶野毛毛为毛要接受牛家的采访)~毛毛居然出门坐的是商务舱啊,太不符合他壕的身份了
                              After a 12-season F1 career that saw him drive for Prost, Sauber, Jordan, Williams, BMW and Lotus, German racer Nick Heidfeld is now getting stuck into his new challenge of racing in the cutting-edge, all-electric Formula E series with the Mahindra team.
                              More: Jonny Walker's baggage check
                              Being at the top of his game for so long means that Nick has clocked up more than his fair share of Air Miles, so RedBull.comasked him to share his top jet-setting tips.
                              Nick, what are the essential items you always take with you when you fly?
                              Luckily I don’t have to take my overalls as they are always with the team I am driving for, so I don’t have to worry about that. I take my phone and my computer, and for some time now I’ve been carrying some tablets to clean up the water, depending on which country I am in. But I never use those to be honest – well not so far anyway.
                              Do you take any reading material?
                              Normally I buy stuff from the airport – usually a lot of magazines as I don’t read books so much. Most of the time when I’m travelling I enjoy having not a lot to do, so I end up using the time to catch up with some work on my computer.
                              Do you like to try and soak up the culture of the countries you visit?
                              This is actually one of the reasons I decided to join Formula E – the whole concept was attractive from the beginning, but one of the main things was the destinations we go to. I like to visit different countries and I like to go to big cities, but at the end of the day all big cities are similar and there is not much difference between them. Some have their own vibe and feel, but I think you need to go to a country for a couple of weeks before the race to really know the country. And unfortunately, I can’t do that because I arrive a few days before the race and always have a few things to do. But I try to get a look at the city I’m in when I can.
                              Which destinations do you enjoy visiting the most?
                              All the places we go with Formula E are really great and it’s hard to pick one over another. I also really like Montreal. It’s a great place and I always used to enjoy going there with Formula One. Also, like many other people who have been there before, I really like Australia – it is a fantastic country, but obviously just so far away.
                              Have you ever rocked first class?
                              Yes I have, but at the moment I am flying business class on most overseas flights. Of course first class is very nice, but nowadays on most long haul business flights you can lie down, which is very important because it means you can arrive ahead of a racing weekend relaxed and refreshed, which is fantastic.
                              In economy class, you can be lucky or unlucky. If you have some 200kg person sat to the left and to the right sleeping and snoring, it can be pretty awful
                              And what are your main tips to avoid getting bored when travelling?
                              Personally, I always arrive at the airport as late as possible – I like travelling but I don’t like waiting at all. Luckily I travel business class most of the time and I have various membership cards so sometimes you can avoid the queues. This is really important because I hate waiting! It is like Murphy’s Law – you see a shorter queue and join it and the longer one moves faster. So my main tip is arrive really late, which is probably not the right thing to do! I think over a period of time you learn to just try and make things as easy as possible for yourself.

                              IP属地:江苏21楼2015-10-24 21:15