其他B.S.都剪掉,她先向Yo示好: It seems even Yolanda was visited by Kyle with her tall tales of my attacking her. Sorry, Kyle, you can keep selling it hard, but no one smart is buying it.
Well, now Yo has seen and knows the whole truth, but it’s a shame my friend Yo was told so many distorted tales, and we had to address the manufactured drama instead of just enjoy our day together. As for both of the Gladys Kravitz sisters' coincidental misuse of the word “deflection,” I had noting to deflect. Instead, I was making an example. “They say,” (referring to tabloids, internet gossip blogs, and certain social circles) that something is true, so it has to be true, right? No, wrong. Just because people say it or write about it doesn’t make it the truth. I was simply giving her an example of how I feel every time one of these women says something about me. Just because it's being said doesn’t make it true and doesn’t mean I like to hear it, as I'm sure Yolanda doesn’t either. Love Yo, love Bella...not sure about yoga. Love the Yoga instructor. Hmm, was Kyle just seen trying to come between me and MY friend? Why would she ever do that? Why would she try and turn my friend against me? Oh wait, that’s Kyle's schtick. NEW LOW!都要开始拍Bella的马*了。
Yep, we also saw Lisa R. being VERY concerned with labeling people she doesn’t know with the very strong word, “addiction.” 然后开炮攻击Lisa R。 Again, I wish you could see the majority of my life, which is being a mom, running my life, my house, my career, and various business ventures. I have no nanny, no secretary, I travel weekly, I work out, I cook, I do homework, I date, I laugh, I clean, I write books, magazine articles, blogs, and even tweets. 太恶质了!你没有保姆,没有秘书,但是!你有经纪人,还有助理,上一季Joyce就揭露了你有一整个camp!Scre* You!
When I sat down with Lisa V., Lisa R., and Eileen, I was overcome with emotion. When Lisa V. said, "Now you know how I felt," I snapped at Lisa. I am happy that Lisa V. and I are in a good enough place that she can understand I was just upset. And we can hug and it's over. I appreciated Lisa's support and was too upset to acknowledge it in the moment. 我很好的朋友是Team Kyle。我想我现在越来越喜欢Kyle了。她的Blog里面写的内容非常积极正面。 As I sat and watched Yolanda try to talk some sense into Brandi, I was shocked to hear Brandi's LOW BLOW regarding Bella. Once again, Brandi pulls out her dagger in order to deflect. NOBODY has been saying that Bella is an alcoholic. 第一位站出来指责“没有Bella是酒鬼的谣言”,对!根本没有这个谣言!Brandi就是在造谣,她是始作俑者!
剩下的部分,关于Brandi和Lisa R的那个午餐,Kyle说的已经完全是我想表达的了。 上一季,阿金指责Lisa在镜头前后不同的表现。现在呢?阿金~ 站出来说点什么吧~ As I sat and watched Lisa Rinna sit down to talk with Brandi, attempting to have a similar conversation that Yolanda attempted to have with her, Brandi somehow spun it to turn into a conversation about Kim. Brandi says if Kim knew they were talking about her sobriety, she would die. Yet Brandi KNOWS cameras are there and that Kim will eventually see this. Why would Brandi have this conversation with Lisa Rinna, behind Kim's back, on camera instead of going to Kim directly if she had legitimate concerns? As you will see down the road, this proves to be a pivotal moment.
以下内容来自真爱娇妻~!Miss Vanderpump的Bravo Blog~~~~ 撒花~!真爱~! Lisa V.: At What Point Is It Enough? Brandi你作到什么时候算是够?! Lisa was stunned by Brandi's comments to Yolanda.
Welcome back. Thank you for all your comments on Wetpaint and your tweets. I read, listen, and learn from them. So I hope you have all had a good week. 我有发推给Miss Vanderpump~! XDD Now in this week's episode, we reconvene with the climax of the mixer party. Kyle was extremely agitated, upset, and reacting to the volatility and giving unnecessary credence to the spiteful remark made about Mauricio. I have told her and chastised her to stop even investing in the jabs Brandi takes at her marriage. They are as irrelevant as she is at this point. Miss Vanderpump说的真的太对了!去年第四季,Brandi专门攻击Kyle的婚姻,她为了让小报谣言持续下去,在最后还要提起来,不但摸黑Lisa,另外还能让更多人持续的怀疑Mauricio。我很高兴Miss Vanderpump这样写,我相信Mauricio会很高兴,这就是真正朋友的反应。
I would do it again in a heartbeat. But, jeez, talk about no good deed going unpunished! Thanks, Kyle, Lisa R. and Lisa V. I can take little snarky comments, just DON'T MAKE ME GIVE BACK MY EMMY! And by the way, Craig's film won first place in the short science fiction category! (I won cheesiest performance--just kidding, they didn’t have that category.) Eileen人真的是不错哒,而且她好幽默~ XDDD。Love the gesture~ DON'T MAKE ME GIVE BACK MY EMMY! 哈哈~ 我都笑了~ The Disturbing Stuff: Brandi bringing up Yolanda's daughter as a means of deflection. Just when I thought she couldn't go any lower, she does just that. Yolanda has done nothing but try to be there for Brandi. When Yolanda brings up Brandi possibly having alcohol issues, Brandi doesn't even hesitate to throw Yolanda's child under the bus. Is there any line she won't cross? And just for the record, there have never been any rumors about alcoholism in regard to Yolanda's daughter. I live in Malibu. One of my kids went to school with the Hadid girls. Never even a whisper. 再一次!第三个娇妻指出!根本没有谣言Bella是酒鬼,Brandi?嗯?Brandi?再一次?Eileen谢谢你。我希望莱姆病的Yolanda能阅读,她英语那么好,应该读的懂~!对不对~ Eileen Yes PLZ!
Too bad all two million of us can’t meet atYolanda’s gorgeous pool for some mind clearing yoga, right? The end of Kyle’s gay mixer was full of tears and conversations filled with questions that began with the word WHY. Why do certain people behave a certain way? Why is it OK to say certain things to someone else? Why do we all keep letting this happen? There are just so many unanswered questions, and for Eileen and me to be the new girls on the block, we really have these questions just waiting to come from our lips. 我现在甚至为Kyle难过了,作为一枚gay,我很想加入那个mixer,唔... 虽然可能很抓马,但是我绝对不想再Yolanda漂亮的泳池旁边做瑜伽, No Thank you! Well~~~~ The Brandi that showed up for lunch was a sensible, empathetic woman who made some pretty powerful statements. Asking for a group intervention with a therapist? There’s a whole lot of meaning behind those words! Discussing how Kim would murder her then kill herself if she found out we were discussing her sobriety was another eye-opening and very telling statement for me. “If the addict is pleased with your help, you’re probably enabling. If the addict is pissed as hell, you’re probably helping the person you love.” -Sandy Swenson Say NO MORE!