3. "Nothing Without Love"

I wanted "AhHa" to knock you off your socks then for you to feel like you're catching a breath before "Nothing Without Love." So it starts out with just piano and voice, and then it beats you over the head. Whether it was going to be a fun. album or not, "AhHa" was going to be the song that put the Some Nights era to bed, and I thought that for an album called Grand Romantic, the song "Nothing Without Love" would be this grand launching board for what feels like the rest of the album. "AhHa" feels the most foreign to me, but I wanted "Nothing Without Love" to feel like this big, grand statement. The few songs that happen after that touch on a similar subject of falling in love, but I really wanted it to be this thing that kicks off Grand Romantic.
我想先让《AhHa》颠覆你们的三观,然后你们就会绷紧神经去听《Nothing Without Love》。这首歌开头的钢琴声和我的嗓音,相信会直抵你们的内心,萦绕脑际挥之不去。无论我的下部作品是我的个人专辑还是Fun.的新专,《AhHa》已经意味着《Some Nights》时代结束了。我将我的下一张专辑命名为《Grand Romantic》,《Nothing Without Love》是新专的首打,你们听完这首歌就能估摸出新专的整体风格了。对于我来说,《AhHa》很有异域风情,但我想让《Nothing Without Love》来渲染宏伟的气氛,呈现我的内心。接下来的歌曲灵感都来自于我和Charlotte Ronson的相恋故事,《Nothing Without Love》作为我们爱情的揭幕曲,实在最合适不过了。