动物进行曲吧 关注:78贴子:1,406



Church Grounds Villagers
Birthday: Spring 20
Perry is the only inhabitant of the Chelsta Church Grounds, besides the graveyard on the south side of the plaza. He manages the church, although the only visitors are Hamilton, Candace, and Mira. In Perry's bedroom you'll find the fresco that is tied to the Purple Bell and the special Wish Trophy for your house.
Loves: Lavender, Green Bell Flower, Mushroom Rice, Green Tea, Herb Tea, Herb Bread, Mint Ice Cream
Likes: Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Tulip, Anemone, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, Snowflake Flower, Shining Milk, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Shining Honey, Blue Herb, Cookies, Perfect Flax Yarn, Bodigizer XL
Dislikes: failed cooking recipes, Clam Saute, Oyster Saute, Mussel Saute, Empty Can, Algae

IP属地:北京1楼2015-07-06 18:12回复
    Garmon Mine District Villagers
    Birthday: Summer 23
    Phoebe's mom is in charge of the general good store, where you can buy makers for your barns and cooking utensils. Her husband Simon works down in Harmonica Town at his own photography studio, leaving Barbara to manage the shop in the mountain area.
    Loves: Shining Cherry, Shining Green Pepper, Orange Juice, Vegetable Juice
    Likes: Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Tulip, Crysthanamum, Sunflower, Snowflake Flower, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, Anemone, Green Bell Flower, Royal Jelly, Shining Salt, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Cookies, Perfect Flax Yarn, Bodigizer XL, Strawberry Milk
    Dislikes: Rubber Boot, Empty Can, Algae, Swim Trunks, Squid, Octopus

    IP属地:北京2楼2015-07-06 18:13
      the carpenter
      Birthday: Fall 2
      Bo is the quieter of Dale's two apprentices. He often has to apologize for Luke's antics. You will help Bo at the beginning of the game in order to access the mine district, and again later on when he wants to fix the mine cart that leads to Harmonica Town.
      Loves: Shining Honey, Green Bell Flower, Mushroom Gratin, Mushroom Saute, Mushroom Rice, Mushroom Doria
      Likes: Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Tunlip, Anemone, Cosmos, Pansey, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, Snowflake Flower, Eel, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Perfect Honey, Strawberry Milk
      Dislikes: Toadstool, Algae, Swim Trucks, Empty Can, Rubber Boot, Choco Banana, Choco Fondue

      IP属地:北京3楼2015-07-06 18:14
        Birthday: Summer 27
        Grandfather Ramsey and Owen are in charge of taking care of Chloe. This active girl seems to be always getting into some sort of mischief. She'll appear the first time as you are trying to locate the Red Bell.
        Loves: Tulip, Sunflower, Choco Banana, Strawberry Ice Cream, Banana Ice Cream, Choco Ice Cream, Apple Ice Cream, Strawberry Milk
        Likes: Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, Snowflake Flower, Anemone, Green Bell Flower, Cherry Shell, Pineapple, Banana, Coconut Juice, Pineapple Juice, Blackberry Juice, Blueberry Juice, Cranberry Juice, Cookies
        Dislikes: Junk Ore, failed cooking recipes, Empty Can, Algae, Swim Trunks, Toadstool

        IP属地:北京4楼2015-07-06 18:15
          Birthday: Summer 14
          The carpenter will upgrade your house if you collect the correct amount of stone material and lumber. He also will sell you furniture for your house. His two apprentices, Bo and Luke (yeeeehaaw!), are there to learn how to be carpenters themselves.
          Loves: Coconut Cocktail, Olive Cocktail, Wheat Cocktail
          Likes: Anemone, Shining Egg, Remedy, Blueberry Cocktail, Cranberry Cocktail, Raspberry Cocktail, Blackberry Cocktail
          Dislikes: failed cooking recipes, Banana Pudding, Pudding, Choco Pudding, Pumpkin Pudding, Toadstool, Cookies

          IP属地:北京5楼2015-07-06 18:16
            Harvest Sprites
            The sprites
            The Harvest Sprites live at the Harvest Goddess' Pond. They will appear one at a time as you chime the bells, and will stay at the pond area until the summoning of the Harvest King. At that point you'll find them at the King's throne on top of Garmon Mine.
            The sprites like gifts that are the same color as they are. They like their matching colored herbs and high-quality jewels (i.e.. Ben loves Lapis Lazuli). All the sprites also like Shining-quality items that you've produced on your farm.
            Harvest Sprites don't have birthdays.
            General dislikes: Bodigizer XL

            IP属地:北京6楼2015-07-06 18:17
              Birthday: Fall 10
              At the beginning of the game, Julius will express his concern over the accessory shop owner. He worries that she spends too much time at the church, morning her deceased husband. You have to travel to the church and convince her to return to the Garmon Mine shop. Mira can then process the gems and ores you find in the mines.
              Loves: Lavender, Bluemist Flower, Shining Turnip, Orange Juice, Orange Cake, Orange Candy
              Likes: Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Tulip, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, Snowflake Flower, Anemone, Green Bell Flower, Cherry Shell, Cranberry Juice, Raspberry Juice, Blueberry Juice, Coconut Juice, Pineapple Juice, Cookies, Perfect Flax Yarn, Strawberry Milk
              Dislikes: Empty Can, Algae, Swim Trunks, failed cooking recipes

              IP属地:北京7楼2015-07-06 18:18
                the Blacksmith
                Birthday: Spring 5
                The person who can upgrade your tools is Ramsey the blacksmith. His shop is in Garmon Mine District. Ramsey can't upgrade your tools until you return the power of fire by chiming the Red Bell.
                Loves: Shining Turnip, Green Tea, Buckwheat Cocktail, Wheat Cocktail, Yam Cocktail
                Likes: Pansey, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Perfect Turnip, Remedy, Gold, Rare Ore, Coconut Cocktail, Perfect Flax Yarn
                Dislikes: Spinach Saute, Clam Saute, Oyster Saute, Mussel Saute, failed cooking recipes, Algae, Empty Can, Rubber Boot, Swim Trunks, Bodigizer XL

                IP属地:北京8楼2015-07-06 18:25

                  IP属地:北京来自Android客户端9楼2015-07-06 18:39
                    Harmonica Town Villagers
                    Birthday: Winter 12
                    At the Ocarina Inn, Colleen runs the small food shop you can buy snacks and recipes from. Her husband Jake manages the inn's accommodations for its guests, and his mother, Yolanda, cooks back in the kitchen. Colleen is Maya's mother.
                    Loves: Green Bell Flower, Rose, Shining Apple, Shining Honey, Apple Cocktail, Grape Cocktail, Cookies
                    Likes: Pinkcat Flower, Lavender, Hyacinth, Sunflower, Hibiscus, Snowflake Flower, Black Pearl, Yellow Herb, Perfect Carrot, Shining Egg, Shining Milk, Raspberry Cocktail, Blueberry Cocktail, Cranberry Cocktail
                    Dislikes: failed cooking recipes, Algae, Empty Can, Rubber Boot, Junk Ore, Swim Trunks

                    IP属地:北京12楼2015-07-07 18:17
                      Birthday: Spring 13
                      The mayor, who runs Harmonica Town, lives with his son Gill and spends the days at the Town Hall. Hamilton also runs the seasonal festivals and will visit your house to chat with you about each one.
                      Loves: Moondrop Flower, Shining Potato, Boiled Potato, Mashed Potato, Potato Pancake
                      Likes: Sunflower, Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Tulip, Rose, Snowflake Flower, Hibiscus, Anemone, Green Bell Flower, Pearl, Gold, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Shining Milk, Boiled Pumpkin, Boiled Yam, Cookies, Remedy
                      Dislikes: cocktail drinks, Fugue Mushroom

                      IP属地:北京13楼2015-07-07 18:18
                        the Bartender
                        Birthday: Spring 21
                        Armonica Bar is where you'll find this muscular fellow. Hayden is Kathy's father, and opens his shop after 4:00 pm. He is easy to befriend because he sells cocktail drinks, which happens to be his favorite type of gift.
                        Loves: Mussel, Clam, Sea Urchin, Oyster, cocktail drinks, pizza
                        Likes: Seaweed, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Shining Milk, Perfect Coffee Bean
                        Dislikes: Empty Can, Toadstool, failed cooking recipes, Algae, Swim Trunks, Rubber Boot, Cookies

                        IP属地:北京14楼2015-07-07 18:19
                          the Clinic Nurse
                          Birthday: Fall 20
                          Irene works at the Harp Clinic and helps Jin with the clinic duties. She usually stays behind the counter, where you can buy medicines from her. During the New Years Eve Festival you'll find her selling colored herb seeds.
                          Loves: Lavender, Pontata Root, Royal Jelly, Boiled Pumpkin, Herb Cookies
                          Likes: Bluemist Flower, Lily, Purple Herb, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Shining Salt, Herb Tea, Green Tea, other Cookies, Remedy

                          Dislikes: Junk Ore, Algae, Rubber Boot, Empty Can, Swim Trunks, failed cooking recipes, Fugue Mushroom, Pink Mushroom

                          IP属地:北京15楼2015-07-07 18:22
                            the Innkeeper
                            Birthday: Fall 28
                            The innkeeper of the Ocarina Inn is Jake. He doesn't have anything for sale, but you can always find him behind the front desk counter. Colleen, Jake, Maya, and Yolanda all live together at the inn.
                            Loves: fruit cocktails, Apple Pie, Apple Ice Cream
                            Likes: Hyacinth, Lavender, Green Bell Flower, Snowflake Flower, Shining Egg, Shining Milk, Perfect Apple, Perfect Grape, Cookies, Coconut Cocktail
                            Dislikes: Empty Can, Algae, Rubber Boot, failed cooking recipes, Bodigizer XL, Swim Trunks

                            IP属地:北京16楼2015-07-07 18:23
                              the Fisherman
                              Birthday: Winter 23
                              Down on the town's docks, you will find Ozzie and his Harmonica Fishery shop. He will sell different fish each season, plus the ship tickets you'll need to get to Toucan Island after you ring the Blue Bell. Ozzie's shop is the only one that opens right at 6:00 am. He is Paolo's father.
                              Loves: Oyster, Clam, Mussel, Sea Urchin, king fish roasted on a bonfire
                              Likes: Seaweed, fish
                              Dislikes: Carrot (any quality), Carrot Juice, Carrot Cake, failed cooking recipes, Vegetable Juice

                              IP属地:北京17楼2015-07-07 18:24