动物进行曲吧 关注:78贴子:1,406



Birthday: Winter 20
Paolo spends most of his time either inside his dad's Harmonica Fishery shop or out by Telmin Lighthouse. The boy will help you with ringing the Blue Bell. Paolo and Chloe are close friends and you may find them playing together during events.
Loves: Oyster, Clam, Mussel, king fish roasted on a bonfire, Banana Juice, Banana Milk, Choco Banana, Shining Sashimi
Likes: Sunflower, fish, Seaweed, Boiled Egg
Dislikes: Toadstool, failed cooking recipes, Vegetable Juice, Cheese Omelet

IP属地:北京18楼2015-07-07 18:31
    the Sea Captain
    Birthday: Winter 3
    The sea captain doesn't appear in Harmonica Town until after the Blue Bell is chimed and the power of water returns to the land. He lives in the back room of Harmonica Fishery, and spends his days at the boat dock. If you bring him a ship ticket from Ozzie's shop, Pascal will take you to Toucan Island.
    Loves: Cosmos, Oyster, Sea Urchin
    Likes: Hyacinth, Tulip, Sunflower, Hibiscus, Morning Glory, Green Bell Flower, Cherry Shell, Mussel, Clam, Shining Egg, Shining Milk, Coconut, Boiled Egg

    Dislikes: failed cooking recipes, Rubber Boot, Empty Can, Algae, Swim Trunks

    IP属地:北京19楼2015-07-07 18:33
      Shelly of Flute Tailors
      Birthday: Winter 19
      Shelly runs the Flute Tailors clothing shop in Harmonica Town with her granddaughter Candace. Her other granddaughter, Luna, lives at the shop but doesn't seem to do much sewing. Shelly will upgrade your rucksack if you bring her requested items to the shop.
      Loves: Snowflake Flower, Shining Turnip, Green Tea, Honeydew Pie
      Likes: Pincat Flower, Pansey, Lavender, Begonia, Hyacinth, Tulip, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, Anemone, Green Bell Flower, Cherry Shell, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Shining Milk, Blue Herb, Shining Salt, Herb Tea, Cookies

      Dislikes: curry dishes, Algae, Kimchi

      IP属地:北京20楼2015-07-07 18:34
        Simon of Harmonica Photography
        Birthday: Winter 8
        Next to the Town Hall, you'll find Simon's Harmonica Photography studio. You can get a free camera from him at the beginning of the game. Simon is married to Barbara, and their daughter is Phoebe. Barbara runs her own shop in Garmon Mine District, and Simon hangs out there on Sundays.
        Loves:Shining Coffee Beans, Rare Metal, Boiled Pumpkin, Boiled Yam, Yam Cake, Cookies
        Likes: Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Green Bell Flower, Remedy, Gold, Rare Ore, Shining Egg, Shining Milk, Herb Tea, Bodigizer XL
        Dislikes: Junk Ore, Empty Can, Rubber Boot, Swim Trunks, Wheat Cocktail

        IP属地:北京21楼2015-07-07 18:35
          the Cook
          Birthday: Summer 10
          Jake's mother and Maya's grandmother is the cook for the Ocarina Inn. You'll usually find her in the kitchen. She has tried to teach Maya how to cook but the young girl isn't a quick learner. She will find a treasure map for you if you befriend her to 5 hearts.
          Loves: Shining Egg, Herb Bread, Green Tea, Boiled Pumpkin, Shining Olive Oil
          Likes: Perfect Egg, Shining Salt, Fugue Mushroom, Herb Tea, Perfect Olive Oil, Boiled Egg, Cookies
          Dislikes: failed cooking recipes, Algae, Rubber Boots, Swim Trunks, Empty Can

          IP属地:北京22楼2015-07-07 18:36
            Flute Fields Villagers
            Cain of Horn Ranch
            Birthday: Summer 6
            Cain runs the Horn Ranch with his wife Hanna and his daughter Renee. He also manages the horse race mini game. Talk to Cain when he is out at the back gate of the ranch, near the windmill, and he'll let you go into the racetrack area to practice racing your horse.
            Loves: Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Shining Corn, Yogurt, Seafood Stew, Coconut Cocktail
            Likes: Sunflower, Perfect Corn, Perfect Onion, Perfect Egg, Perfect Mayonnaise, Royal Jelly, Strawberry Milk
            Dislikes: Toadstool, Empty Can, Rubber Boot, Algae, Swim Trunks, failed cooking recipes

            IP属地:北京23楼2015-07-07 18:37
              Birthday: Fall 6
              Down at Marimba Farm, Craig takes care of the crops out behind their farmhouse shop. His wife Ruth runs the shop where you can buy crop seeds, while his children Taylor and Anissa hang around the house. Craig is a melancholy character since the land doesn't seem to be well, but once you ring the Yellow Bell, Craig seems to cheer up.
              Loves: Shining Corn, Shining Yam, Shining Pumpkin, Shining Eggplant, Shining Wheat, Stirfry
              Likes: Shining Egg, Raspberry Cocktail, Coconut Cocktail, Cranberry Cocktail, Blackberry Cocktail, Blueberry Cocktail, Common Mushroom, Mussels
              Dislikes: Algae, Rubber Boot, Empty Can, failed cooking recipe, Swim Trunks, Strawberry Milk

              IP属地:北京24楼2015-07-07 18:37
                Birthday: Winter 4
                At Horn Ranch, Hanna manages the shops goods. She will sell animals, animal products, and cooking recipes. Hanna and her husband Cain have a daughter named Renee, who spends time in front of the shop or inside the animal barn.
                Loves: Sunflower, Morning Glory, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Omelet, Cheese Omelet, Strawberry Milk
                Likes: Pansey, Crysthanamum, Moondrop Flower, Pearl, Cherry Shell, Cookies
                Dislikes: Junk Ore, failed cooking recipes, Rubber Boot, Algae, Empty Can, Swim Trunks

                IP属地:北京25楼2015-07-07 18:38
                  Birthday: Spring 6
                  Ruth runs the shop at Marimba Farm while her husband Craig goes out to the fields. At the beginning of the game, her daughter Anissa has left to try and find a solution to their land problem, but will return after you ring the Yellow Bell. Her son Taylor also runs a seed shop, but you can only buy from him if you use a telephone inside of your house.
                  Loves: Bluemist Flower, Shining Corn, Shining Eggplant, Shining Yam, Shining Pumpkin, Spinach Cake, Spinach Risotto
                  Likes: Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Tulip, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, Snowflake Flower, Anemone, Green Bell Flower, Cherry Shell, Royal Jelly, Shining Egg, Shining Salt, Strawberry Milk
                  Dislikes: failed cooking recipes, Algae, Empty Can, Swim Trunks, Rubber Boot

                  IP属地:北京26楼2015-07-07 18:39
                    Birthday: Summer 19
                    Taylor won't be around until after you ring the Yellow Bell to return the land's strength. You can buy seeds from him that might not be available at Marimba Farm, but Taylor's prices are twice as what his mom Ruth charges for the same seeds. Use the telephone in your house to call Taylor and buy seeds.
                    Loves: Fugue Mushroom, Shining Corn, Choco Banana, Choco Fondue, Choco Cake
                    Likes: Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Tulip, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Cosmos, Hibiscus, Snowflake Flower, Anemone, Green Bell Flower, Royal Jelly, Boiled Egg, Strawberry Milk
                    Dislikes: Junk ore, Carrot (any quality), Carrot Juice, Carrot Cake, Algae

                    IP属地:北京27楼2015-07-07 18:39
                      Toucan Island Villagers
                      Birthday: Summer 21
                      You can talk to the Toucan Island innkeeper by visiting him by boat, or by calling him with your telephone. Samson is a very relaxed character, but his wife Sue and daughter Selena don't see eye-to-eye, which causes him some stress. He is always cheerful towards visitors.
                      Loves: Hibiscus, Coconut, Raspberry Cocktail, Coconut Cocktail, Cranberry Cocktail, Blackberry Cocktail
                      Likes: Sunflower, Oyster, Mussel, Clam, Pineapple, Banana, Raspberry Juice, Coconut Juice, Cranberry Juice
                      Dislikes: failed cooking recipes, Toadstool, Algae, Rubber Boot, Empty Can

                      IP属地:北京28楼2015-07-07 18:40
                        Birthday: Spring 27
                        Sue is a little protective of her daughter Selena and doesn't want her moving away to be a dancer. When Selena hides away on the boat back to Harmonica Town, which you kind of helped out with, it is up to you to patch up the bad feelings between the two islanders.
                        Loves: Hyacinth, Pansey, Hibiscus,Coconut, Pineapple Juice, Coconut Cocktail, Coconut Juice, Blackberry Cocktail, Raspberry Cocktail, Cranberry Cocktail
                        Likes: Pinkcat Flower, Lavender, Tulip, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Anemone, Green Bell Flower, Cherry Shell, Pineapple, Banana, Oyster, Clam, fish
                        Dislikes: Junk Ore, failed cooking recipes, Algae, Rubber Boot, Swim Trunks, Empty Can

                        IP属地:北京29楼2015-07-07 18:40

                          IP属地:北京30楼2015-07-07 18:41

                            IP属地:北京31楼2015-07-07 18:53
                              Chase and Maya's daughter
                              Chase and Maya's daughter luckily has her father's skill in cooking, and is said to never forget a smell.
                              Best Gifts: Pinkcat Flower, Choco Banana, Chestnut Pie, Roasted Chestnut, Shining Honey, Shining Chestnut, Pumpkin Pudding, Cherry Pie, Shining Perfume
                              Good Gifts: Pansey, Lavender, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, Anemone, Snowflake Flower, Moondrop Flower, Bluemist Flower, Herb Tea, Cherry Shell, Fugue Mushroom, Shining Milk, Pineapple Juice, Shortcake, Banana, Strawberry Milk
                              Bad Gifts:Toadstool, failed dishes, junk (cans, boots, etc.)

                              IP属地:北京33楼2015-07-07 18:57