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According to a new Pew research study, the US birth rate hit arecord low last year, led by a decline in child-bearing amongforeign-born women.
The overall US birth rate decreased by 8 percent between 2007-10, and by 6 percent among US-born women.
The rate fell sharpest for those hardest hit by the economic slowdown.

2007年至2010年间,美国的出生率整体下降了8% ,其中在美国出生的女性降低了6%。

1楼2015-09-07 18:24回复
    但英语一直没有丢,英语一直是我的排头兵!我对英语的自信还有,我觉得学好英语不难重要的是你要有恒心,急躁冒进,三天打渔两天晒网都是不行的。在这里我就毛遂自荐一下的学习方法吧: 首先先你要端正心态,不要急躁,不管别人考多少分,你做你自己的事,这样才能静下心来学习。要成为英语高手就必须比别人走更多的路,做更多的事。你应该明白个事实,英语是单词和语法的综合,所以单词和语法都要拿下。

    2楼2017-12-26 11:46
      我读过一些英语名家谈体会的书,其中有中文译本,也有英文原文本。这些书给了我很多启发,使我能够在结合自身学习英语的方法和经验的基础上,总结出符合常识的学习方法,并上升到符合英语学习规律的原则。如果你能按照这些原则一步一个脚印地去做,认认真真地去学习和体味,那么你就定能学好英语。 英语学习应遵循以下六大原则。这些原则都是"常识"性的。正如美国总统林http://www.e2say./course/肯所说:一个人必须依据语言、逻辑和"简单的常识"来决定问题和建立自己的行动计划。在学习英语的过程中,你按照常理去做,你就可能成功。你违背了常理,就不可能成功。当然,成功与否还取决于你的"努力"。 这一次,你若按照常理去做,并且下工夫,那你就要成功了!

      3楼2017-12-26 11:49
        Terrifyingly, a group of Chinese tourists were left screaming in terror in October on the side of a 3,540-foot-high cliff after a glass pane on a new transparent walkway suddenly shattered.A visitor posted pictures of what she claimed was the cracked glass on Chinese social media. She said she could feel shaking under her feet the moment when the glass broke.太惊险了!今年十月,高"http://www.e2say.com/course/.达3540英尺的悬崖边缘的玻璃走道突然破裂,上面的一群游客惊恐地喊叫。一位游客在社交网站上贴出了她称之为“裂缝玻璃”的照片。她说玻璃破裂的那一刻,她可以感觉到脚下在晃动。

        6楼2017-12-28 10:31
          Terrifyingly, a group of Chinese tourists were left screaming in terror in October on the side of a 3,540-foot-high cliff after a glass pane on a new transparent walkway suddenly shattered.A visitor posted pictures of what she claimed was the cracked glass on Chinese social media. She said she could feel shaking under her feet the moment when the glass broke.太惊险了!今年十月,高"http://www.e2say.com/course/.达3540英尺的悬崖边缘的玻璃走道突然破裂,上面的一群游客惊恐地喊叫。一位游客在社交网站上贴出了她称之为“裂缝玻璃”的照片。她说玻璃破裂的那一刻,她可以感觉到脚下在晃动。

          8楼2017-12-28 10:33
            Terrifyingly, a group of Chinese tourists were left screaming in terror in October on the side of a 3,540-foot-high cliff after a glass pane on a new transparent walkway suddenly shattered.A visitor posted pictures of what she claimed was the cracked glass on Chinese social media. She said she could feel shaking under her feet the moment when the glass broke.太惊险了!今年十月,高"http://www.e2say.com/course/.达3540英尺的悬崖边缘的玻璃走道突然破裂,上面的一群游客惊恐地喊叫。一位游客在社交网站上贴出了她称之为“裂缝玻璃”的照片。她说玻璃破裂的那一刻,她可以感觉到脚下在晃动。

            9楼2017-12-28 10:33
              Located at the periphery of the top floor, the long walkway is 682 feet long and a tiny 4.9 feet wide, offering amazing views over the city.这条走道长达682英尺,但只有4.9英尺宽,位于最高层的边缘,站在上面可以俯瞰全城。

              10楼2017-12-28 10:33
                Terrifyingly, a group of Chinese tourists were left screaming in terror in October on the side of a 3,540-foot-high cliff after a glass pane on a new transparent walkway suddenly shattered.A visitor posted pictures of what she claimed was the cracked glass on Chinese social media. She said she could feel shaking under her feet the moment when the glass broke.太惊险了!今年十月,高"http://www.e2say.com/course/.达3540英尺的悬崖边缘的玻璃走道突然破裂,上面的一群游客惊恐地喊叫。一位游客在社交网站上贴出了她称之为“裂缝玻璃”的照片。她说玻璃破裂的那一刻,她可以感觉到脚下在晃动。

                12楼2018-01-02 11:11